2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

€10,600 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2014 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo® Casino EPT Grand Final

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Early Three-Bets

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #7: Mayu Roca raised to to 110,000 from early position with {10-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and Jack Salter called with {A-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} in the big blind. The flop was {2-Hearts}{4-Spades}{3-Clubs} and Salter checked, Roca bet 100,000 and Salter made the call. The {K-Diamonds} came on the turn and both players checked to see the {3-Spades} river. Salter checked the {3-Spades} river as well and Roca gave up.

Hand #8: Sebastian von Toperczer opened to 100,000 from the cutoff. Jack Salter three-bet to 240,000 from the small blind with {J-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and it was enough to win the pot.

Hand #9: Kenny Hicks raised to 100,000 with {5-Spades}{5-Hearts}. Sebastian Bredthauer flat-called in the small blind with {Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. Mayu Roca three-bet to 305,000 and Hicks folded, as did Bredthauer.

Salter Doubles Buonanno

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Antonio Buonanno
Antonio Buonanno

Hand #6: Jack Salter opened under the gun with {A-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for 115,000, a little over a min raise. Action folded to Antonio Buonanno on the button who woke up with {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds} and made the call. Both blinds folded and it was heads up to the flop.

On {4-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{10-Hearts} it was Salter who fired 145,000 into 345,000. Buonanno made the call and the dealer burned and turned the {8-Clubs}. This card gave Salter the flush draw while Buonanno improved to a set. Salter checked and with 635,000 in the middle already, Buonanno bet 175,000.

Salter asked for the triangle by holding his fingers in the air symbolizing the all in symbol. Buonanno wasn't calling yet though, he waited for at least one minute before announcing it.

"Fuck" you could hear Salter say. He needed a club on the river but wouldn't get it with the {J-Hearts} displaying.

Salter was visibly upset by his move, but still third in chips.

"Ok, I'm over it. Nice hand" Salter said to himself and the table after two minutes. Play continued.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter

Tags: Antonio BuonannoJack Salter

Salter Folds to Shove in the First Hand

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #1: The first hand is folded to Jack Salter on the button and he raised to 115,000 with {K-Spades}{Q-Spades}. Sebastian Bredthauer moved all in with {9-Spades}{9-Clubs} from the small blind and Salter thought for about 30 seconds before deciding to fold.

Hand #2: Jack Salter raised to 115,000 with {9-Hearts}{9-Spades} from the cutoff and Magnus Karlsson called in the big blind with {K-Diamonds}{10-Spades}. The flop came {K-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}, Karlsson checked and Salter bet 100,000. Karlsson called and the {7-Clubs} came on the turn, the Swede checked again and Salter checked behind. The {Q-Diamonds} appeared on the river and Karlsson bet 225,000 and Salter folded.

Hand #3: Mayu Roca raised to 110,000 from the button with {Q-Clubs}{9-Spades} and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #4: Kenny Hicks raised to 100,000 with {J-Clubs}{J-Hearts} from early position and everyone folded.

Hand #5: Mayu Roca raised to 110,000 from the hijack with {J-Spades}{J-Clubs} and everyone folded.

And We're Off

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Cards are in the air...

And now they're on the table...

And now the dealer is shuffling them. You get the picture.

Level: 27

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

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Are You Ready For The Final Table?

Jack Salter
Jack Salter

Get ready for the final table! Yesterday the tournament played down to it's final eight players and no less than seven qualifiers made it to the coveted last table. According to PokerStars seven of the eight players qualified on PokerStars including German student Sebastian Bredthauer who had never competed in a live event before and started his path to Monaco with just 100 FPP's. The only player who bought in to the event was Italian Antonio Buonanno, the others qualified for just €1,700 between them, and could stand to win a total of €3.7 million between them.

Bredthauer might lack some experience, but he's made up for that by now with days of training. He's the short stack though and has some work cut out for him. Chip leader going in is Jack Salter who'll bring 5,170,000 to the table. With the level starting at 25,000/50,000 he has well over a 100 big blinds.

Follow the action here live as the remaining eight players will battle it out in the following set up:

SeatNameChip Count
1Kenny Hicks1,875,000
2Jack Salter5,170,000
3Sebastian Bredthauer755,000
4Mayu Roca4,625,000
5Magnus Karlsson2,595,000
6Malte Moennig1,150,000
7Antonio Buonanno2,065,000
8Sebastian von Toperczer1,240,000

The tournament starts at 1pm local time, in about 3 hours. The final table will be live streamed on a one hour security delay as there will be hole cards up. Expect the live stream, and our coverage at 2pm.


Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter
Mayu Roca co
Mayu Roca
Magnus Karlsson se
Magnus Karlsson
Antonio Buonanno it
Antonio Buonanno
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Kenny Hicks us
Kenny Hicks
Sebastian von Toperczer de
Sebastian von Toperczer
Malte Moennig de
Malte Moennig
Sebastian Bredthauer de
Sebastian Bredthauer

Seat 1: Kenny Hicks, 26, West Virginia, USA – PokerStars qualifier – 1,875,000 chips

Kenny Hicks
Kenny Hicks

Kenny Hicks is an online professional player with a string of sizeable MTT results, including victory in the PokerStars Super Tuesday. He has also been a habitual qualifier for EPT events since Season 4, competing at dozens of tournaments and amassing numerous small cashes--but until now has never picked up more than $30,000 at any one time. “My largest live cash anywhere was actually the first one I played at EPT Dublin in 2007 so that’s a pretty bad streak,” he said. “I feel amazing about making the final tomorrow.” Hicks is originally from West Virginia, in the United States, but relocated to Vancouver to continue playing online. He won his seat for this season’s finale in a €320 qualifier two weeks ago.

Profile courtesy of PokerStars

Player Chips Progress
Kenny Hicks us
Kenny Hicks

Tags: Kenny Hicks

Seat 2: Jack Salter, 27, London, UK – PokerStars qualifier – 5,170,000 chips

Jack Salter
Jack Salter

Jack Salter used to be almost exclusively an online sit and go player until he won a live tournament at London’s Palm Beach casino in November 2011 and used the £30,000 prize to build a bankroll to play more frequently and at incrementally higher stakes. He has already accrued more than €450,000 in live tournament winnings, cashing in countries across the globe including the United States, Malta, Spain, Macau, the Netherlands, Ireland and Australia. His largest cash to date came in February when he won a side event at the Aussie Millions for A$114,000 and he also came third in the £1,100 UKIPT London Main Event in October. He won his seat to this season’s EPT Grand Final in a €215 re-buy qualifier at the end of March and also competed in the FPS Monaco Main Event here after winning a seat for that in a €10 rebuy satellite. Before the Grand Final, he tweeted: “Off to play the EPT Grand Final for the first time. Feel I am one of those lucky guys that will somehow bink it.” Salter travels the international poker circuit with his younger brother Louis, who also competed in the Main Event. He started Day 4 of the Main Event 40 of 41 with only ten big blinds and is now chip leader going in to tomorrow's final.

Profile courtesy of PokerStars

Player Chips Progress
Jack Salter gb
Jack Salter

Tags: Jack Salter

Seat 3: Sebastian Bredthauer, 23, Hanover, Germany – PokerStars qualifier – 755,000 chips

Sebastian Bredthauer
Sebastian Bredthauer

Of all the finalists Sebastian Bredthauer has perhaps the most remarkable back story. The 23-year-old student of Media and Communications Management in Hamburg qualified for the EPT Grand Final with 100 Frequent Player Points (FPPs) on PokerStars. His plan had been to simply spin these up and claim some low value treat from the VIP store. Instead, after several stages, and a few nervous moments, he found himself on his way to Monaco to play in his first live poker tournament. Typically a low stakes tournament player online, Bredthauer has managed the transition to the high stakes game seamlessly, admitting to having had only a hastily arranged home game with friends for practice. He has had some other help along the way — he found aces six times on Day 3, including on the last hand of the day. Since then he has matched the professionals at every step.

Profile courtesy of PokerStars

Player Chips Progress
Sebastian Bredthauer de
Sebastian Bredthauer

Tags: Sebastian Bredthauer