Ramdin's Found a Foe

Level 2
: 75/150, 0 ante
Ramzi Jelassi raised to 250 to keep things civil and Team PokerStars Pro Victor Ramdin made the call. The player to Ramdin's left immediately put in a three-bet to 1,000 and Jelassi quickly folded. Ramdin wanted to see the flop and he made the call.
The flop brought out and Ramdin checked to his opponent who quickly tossed out a hefty 4,000-chip bet.
"Wow, take it easy," Ramin said with a smile as he was thrown off by the big bet.
"I've got a flush draw," The Team PokerStars Pro added as he flashed his cards to his neighbor before tossing them into the muck.
Ramdin took the risk averse way and saved himself having to play a big pot out of position.