2012 PokerStars.com EPT Barcelona

€50,000 Super High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2012 PokerStars.com EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Just Good Luck for Mercier

Level 7 : 2,000/4,000, 500 ante
Oh, hello backdoor hearts
Oh, hello backdoor hearts

Team PokerStars Pro Jason Mercier is known for using the Twitter hastag "#justbadluck" or "#jbl" when he tweets. This time around, Mercier was on the end of some good luck when he tripled up by catching a flush on the river. Here's what happened.

From under the gun, Mercier raised to 8,000 and [Removed:283] called from the next seat. Mike Watson called out of the cutoff position, Jonathan Duhamel called from the small blind and Philipp Gruissem called from the big blind. From there, all five players saw the flop come down {A-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} and action checked around to Watson.

With 43,500 in the middle, Watson bet 20,000 and that folded out Duhamel. Gruissem called and then Mercier check-raised all in for 135,000. [Removed:288] requested a count, received it and then made the call. Watson folded.

Gruissem took some time to himself to think. Eventually, he made the call and gave Mercier the chance to triple his stack if he were to win the hand.

The turn was the {J-Hearts} and Gruissem checked. [Removed:288] moved all in, putting Gruissem to the test. After he moved all in, [Removed:288] stood up from the table and began to walk over to his rail. He was instructed back to the table because there was still pending action with Gruissem in the hand. On his way back to the table, [Removed:288]'s phone rang and he answered it, quickly saying something in another language to the person on the other end before abruptly hanging up. He then sat back in his seat and waited for Gruissem to act. After a minute or so, Gruissem folded and [Removed:288] was left to do battle with Mercier.

Both players tabled the same hand; Mercier held the {10-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and [Removed:288] held the {10-Spades}{9-Spades}. Mercier did have a flush draw to go along with his hand for some added insurance. Mercier would be the first to tell you, he was "freerolling" [Removed:288].

The river landed with the {Q-Hearts} and Mercier had made his heart flush to win the pot. [Removed:288] didn't see the flush and tried to argue when the dealer began pushing Mercier the pot. The dealer showed [Removed:288] the flush, which upset the 2010 EPT Vilamoura High Roller winner. Mercier collected the chips and moved to nearly 450,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
Profile photo of [Removed:283]
Profile photo of Philipp Gruissem de
Philipp Gruissem

Tags: Jason MercierJonathan DuhamelMike WatsonPhilipp Gruissem