2011 PokerStars.com EPT Loutraki

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.com EPT Loutraki

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Mothes Doubles Up Through The Chip Leader Ziyard

Sometimes it just doesn't matter how you look at a hand, the result is always going to be the same.

Zimnan Ziyard raised to 63,000 from the hijack seat and Pierre Mothes moved all-in for 690,000 in the small blind and Ziyard called.

Mothes{A-Hearts} {A-Diamonds}
Ziyard{A-Clubs} {K-Diamonds}

Mothes ran over to his friends on the rail and embraced them, refusing to look at the table behind him.

Flop: {A-Spades} {K-Clubs} {6-Hearts}

"Yes!" came the cry from his friends.

Once again we needed runner-runner for an elimination and it didn't come. The turn and river bricked off for Ziyard and Mothes doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Pierre Mothes de
Pierre Mothes

Tags: Pierre MothesZimnan Ziyard

Double Up For Kovacs

Andras Kovacs has just doubled up through Charalampos Kapernopoulos and here is how the hand went down.

The action folded around to Kovacs in the cutoff and he open shoved for 501,000. The button and small blind folded and Kapernopoulos peeked at his cards, smiled at Kovacs and then put his hands behind his head. After a few seconds of questioning Kapernopoulos called and we had a showdown with Kovacs at risk of elimination.

Kovacs{7-Spades} {7-Hearts}
Kapernopoulos{A-Clubs} {10-Spades}

Flop: {10-Clubs} {7-Clubs} {4-Hearts}

Kovacs lets out a cry of yes and walks over to the rail to embrace his girlfriend. Meanwhile Kapernopoulos looked distraught and needed runner-runner to eliminate Kovacs. The turn was the {Q-Diamonds} and Kapernopoulos was drawing dead making the {3-Spades} totally irrelevant.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andras Kovacs hu
Andras Kovacs
Profile photo of Charalampos Kapernopoulos gr
Charalampos Kapernopoulos

Tags: Andras KovacsCharalampos Kapernopoulos

Taramas Involved

Level 25 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante

Zimnard Ziyard raised to 70,000 preflop from the small blind but quickly gave up when Ioannis Taramas made it 230,000 in the big blind.

The next hand saw Taramas limp the small blind but then fold when Charalampos Kapernopoulos made it 62,000. Kapernopoulos showed {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts}

Tags: Ioannis Taramas

Kapernopoulos Finds the Bullets

Level 25 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante

Charalampos Kapernopoulos raised to 62,000 preflop and Mario Puccini made it 145,000 on the button. Kapernopoulos looked nonplussed but moved all in anyway and Puccini snapped him off.

Kapernopoulos: {A-Hearts}{A-Spades}
Puccini: {K-Spades}{K-Hearts}

The old cooler and it was over after the flop when the board came {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{6-Hearts} making the Greek player quads! He doubled to a million chips while Puccini dropped to 600,000 as a result.

Tags: Charalampos KapernopoulosMario Puccini

Puccini Wins a 500k Pot

Mario Puccini raised to 60,000 from middle position and John Taramas called in the cutoff. The action folded around to Hauke Heseding in the big blind and he made it a threeway flop.

Flop: {J-Hearts} {10-Spades} {3-Spades}

Heseding checked in the dark, Puccini c-bet 85,000 and both players called.

Turn: {2-Hearts}

Heseding checked once more and Puccini bet 180,000. Taramas quickly folded but it took Heseding a lot longer to release his hand, but release it he did. Puccini picked up a nice healthy pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hauke Heseding
Hauke Heseding
Profile photo of John Taramas
John Taramas
Profile photo of Mario Puccini de
Mario Puccini

Tags: Mario PucciniHauke HesedingJohn Taramas

Kapernopoulos Folds Top Pair

Zimnan Ziyard raised to 60,000 on the button and Charalampos Kapernopoulos defended his big blind.The flop was {A-Hearts} {Q-Hearts} {8-Spades} and Kapernopoulos check-called a 72,000 Ziyard c-bet. On the turn the dealer gave us the {K-Clubs} and once again Ziyard bet when checked to - the bet was 100,000. You could tell by the look on Kapernopoulos that he had a hand that he didnt want to let go. He went into the tank for a while but eventually folded the {A-Clubs} face up.

"Show me your hand, show me your hand," screamed Kapernopoulos.

Ziyard slid his hand unseen to the dealer.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Charalampos Kapernopoulos gr
Charalampos Kapernopoulos

Tags: Zimnan ZiyardCharalampos Kapernopoulos