Lundmark Wins The BIggest Pot So Far

Just as I was about to post how this heads up encounter could go on for some time as neither player seemed willing to play for a large pot, the largest pot of the match so far took place!
Kent Lundmark made his standard raise preflop and was called by Jesus Cortes Lizano. The flop came down , Lizano checked, Lundmark bet 350,000 and Lizano called.
The on the turn looked like a blank to us but obviously not to the players as Lizano checked, Lundmark bet 825,000 only to see Lizano check-raise to 2,425,000! Lundmark sat completely still for around a minute and eventually called.
The river was the and both players checked and turned over their hands.
Lizano: for bottom pair and a busted flush draw
Lundmark: for top pair and the win.
Lundmark now leads his opponent by 15,215,000 to 7,740,000 chips