2010 PokerStars.it EPT San Remo

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.it EPT San Remo

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Losing One's Hedlund

We caught up with an extremely aggravated Peter Hedlund on the turn of a {10-Spades} {2-Hearts} {8-Spades} {9-Spades} board; Hedlund (under the gun) bet out and his opponent Govert Metaal (cutoff) raised. Hedlund called for wine. Then he called the raise.

The river was the {10-Clubs} and Metaal announced all in for around 50,000. Hedlund stood up and shouted at a floorman: "Hey I ordered a bottle of wine an hour ago, I paid for it. I get super-tilted by the f***ing bar. I hate when it f***ing sucks. Hey, where's my wine? Hey!"

A clearly amused Marcel Luske at the rail said soothingly, "Okay, let's wait 'til the end of the hand. Let's focus now."

Hedlund was unable to focus, though, even though two waiters swiftly appeared with a bottle of wine, five glasses where honestly one would probably have done, and a conciliatory plate of sandwiches. One of the waiters tried to offer Hedlund a glass of wine but the "super-tilted" Swede was not interested; he was calling the all in.

Metaal turned over {8-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} and Hedlund mucked. "I would have folded that hand otherwise," he said, finally taking possession of his precious wine.

"Nice hand," said someone at the rail.

Replied Hedlund, "I played like f***."

Hedlund is down to 150,000.

Tags: Peter Hedlund