2009 PokerStars.com EPT Prague

EPT Prague Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2009 PokerStars.com EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

EPT Prague Main Event

Day 5 Completed

Jan Skampa Wins the 2009 PokerStars.comEPT Prague (€682,000)

Jan Skampa - Champion!
Jan Skampa - Champion!
My, this has been a very good couple of weeks for Mr. Jan Skampa. Things were already looking rather nice when he took fourth place at last month's EPT Vilamoura to put the 23-year-old student up to third in the all-time Czech money list - but with the even nicer €682,000 he's just picked up here, he's just moved up to number one, to the voluble joy of the mostly local rail.

We saw aggression, but over the three hours of three-way play and the three or four hours of heads-up play that followed, we saw patience too. Young Mr. Skampa has proved himself a versatile and talented player, and fully deserving of the pile of money and the shiny trophy that are now his.

Prague has always been one of the most welcoming and entertaining stops on the EPT tour, and 2009's sojourn here in the Czech Republic has been no exception. As Jan Skampa raises his new EPT trophy in his own home town and the rest of us all begin the long trudge home to our various corners of the world, it's goodbye from us, and it's goodbye from them.

Tags: Jan Skampa

Slight Recovery for Avitan

"You can recover!" said Avitan's wife at the rail by way of encouragement after that last one.

So it was that Avitan called a button raise from Skampa and saw a {J-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds} flop which both players checked.

Come the {9-Hearts} turn Avitan bet out 450,000 and Skampa called; Avitan furthermore bet out 600,000 on the {2-Hearts} river. Skampa called again - but mucked when Avitan turned over {K-Spades} {9-Spades} for two pair.

"I told you so," said wifey at the rail.

Current standings:

Skampa - 10.5 million
Avitan - 7 million

Tags: Eyal AvitanJan Skampa

Another One for Skampa

Avitan raised his button and Skampa called to see a {5-Spades} {K-Hearts} {8-Hearts} flop. Skampa check-called 700,000 and they moved on to see a {9-Hearts} turn. Skampa now bet out 1.55 million, hushing for a moment the gentle murmur of railers amusing themselves - but Avitan folded, and they continued.

Skampa Starting to Take Control

Eyal Avitan limped into the pot from the button, and Jan Skampa knocked the table for a free flop from the big blind. It came down {5-Hearts} {7-Spades} {Q-Diamonds}, and Skampa fired 250,000. Avitan made the call, and the turn was the {A-Hearts}. Skampa led again, 525,000 this time. Before his chips had even hit the felt, Avitan was right there with another call.

The {A-Clubs} filled out the board, and Skampa paused a bit longer this time. Eventually he fired a third bullet though, 1 million straight. There was no snap-call this time, but there was a tank-call from Avitan.

Skampa turned over {Q-Hearts} {10-Spades} for aces and queens, and Avitan had the same two pair. Unfortunately for him, his {Q-Spades} {8-Spades} was out-kicked, and Skampa takes down the biggest pot in quite some time. He's now up very close to 10 million, putting Avitan down around 7.5 million.

Tags: Eyal AvitanJan Skampa

Let's Play Cards

We're back for more poker. During the break, the yellow T5,000 chips were removed from play, and we have a new chip in play. The gold/brown T100,000 chips are making their first appearance since last season's EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo.

Level: 32

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 25,000

Skampa Jabs Back Again

The very next hand:

Eyal Avitan raised it up to 430,000 on the button, and Skampa wanted to play for more. He reraised to 1.16 million, and Avitan immediately called.

The flop came down {4-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts}, and Skampa continued out with a small bet of 820,000. Small or not, it was enough; Avitan sent his cards back to the dealer with a quickness.

Tags: Eyal AvitanJan Skampa

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