2024 EAPT Bratislava

€560 Main Event
Day: 1bc
Event Info

2024 EAPT Bratislava

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1bc
Players Left

Level: 7

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Big Double Up for Schiffbauer

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante
Robert Schiffbauer
Robert Schiffbauer

For the second time today, Igor Panak found himself in a three-way all-in and call situation.

First, he called from the button after Christian Steiner shoved for 10,200 from the cutoff. Then Robert Schiffbauer three-bet all-in for 33,500, and Panak eventually called.

Christian Steiner: A9
Robert Schiffbauer: 88
Igor Panak: A7

Schiffbauer' eights held on a board of J96J8, so he secured a big double up while Steiner was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Panak sk
Igor Panak
Robert Schiffbauer us
Robert Schiffbauer
Christian Steiner at
Christian Steiner

Tags: Christian SteinerIgor PanakRobert Schiffbauer

Two Pair for Rubinstein

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Dario Berisa raised to 2,200 from the cutoff, and received a call by Mody Rubinstein who defended from the big blind.

The dealer fanned a flop of Q53. Berisa bet 1,500, but Rubinstein check-raised to 4,000. Berisa quickly called, and called again when Rubinstein fired a second barrel of 4,500 on the river J. But this last card brought no more action, as both players checked.

Rubinstein threw his cards in front of him, revealing J5 for two pair. Berisa mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Mody Rubinstein il
Mody Rubinstein
Dario Berisa rs
Dario Berisa

Tags: Dario BerisaMody Rubinstein

Level: 8

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Queens over Queens for Prior

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Gregor Reichhardt in middle position and Daniel Prior in the cutoff raised each other and eventually put all their chips in the middle, with Reichhardt at risk for approximately 35,000 chips.

Gregor Reichhardt: QQ
Daniel Prior: QQ

Both players were supposed to split after a flop of 759. But a sick runout of A2 gave a flush to Prior, lead to Reichhardt's elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Prior at
Daniel Prior
Gregor Reichhardt at
Gregor Reichhardt

Tags: Daniel PriorGregor Reichhardt

Molenaar Values Trips

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

On a board of 5K9K4 with approximately 23,000 in the pot, Michel Molenaar in the hijack overbet to 35,000.

Ohad Freund in the big blind went deep into the tank, and eventually threw a chip in front of him to call. But he had to muck his cards after Molenaar flipped over KQ for trips.

"Too many bluffs" said Freund after the hand to justify his call.

Player Chips Progress
Ohad Freund il
Ohad Freund
Michel Molenaar nl
Michel Molenaar

Tags: Michel MolenaarOhad Freund

Level: 9

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 1,600

Massive Pot for Broda

Level 9 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

PokerNews saw Richard Broda under the gun facing a very tough decision on a board of 28949, as Shai Arbel shoved on the river for 78,700, almost the average stack.

According to Broda after the hand, he opened to 3,500, then Arbel three-bet to 10,000. Broda four-bet to 26,000, and Arbel called.

Broda continued for 16,000 on the flop and was called, then check-called on the turn after Arbel bet 35,000. On the river, he checked again and Arbel moved all-in.

Broda went deep into the tank, and after a long moment, he called.

Shai Arbel: A10
Richard Broda: QQ

Broda caught Arbel bluffing and sent him to the rail. Thanks to this pot, Broda now holds 358,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Richard Broda hu
Richard Broda
Shai Arbel il
Shai Arbel

Tags: Richard BrodaShai Arbel