2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship
Event 7 - $1,650 Feature Event
Day: 2

Alex Masterman 1st $214,950.
Sam Korman 2nd $121,805

Players are extremely close in chips, we need a count.

Martin Comer 3rd place $71,650.
Sam Korman and Alex Masterman begin heads up almost dead even in chips with One Million each.

The board goes

Weng Wong fifth place $xx,xxx.
Weng Wong 75K
Sam Korman 150K
Alex Masterman 900K
Van Marcus 130K
Martin Comer lost a hand to Alex Masterson and Alex had another Ace 2 in the blind hold up against Van ( the 2 pairing ) so he has regained most of his chips, recently lost. Weng Wong also lost a moderate pot to Alex and is now the low chip stack only holding chips for 3 blinds.
45 mintute break - back at 9:30 pm local time