2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship

Event 3 - $1,100 Limit Omaha Hi Lo
Day: 1
Event Info

2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

Wake Up!

For those of you who did sleep last night. Welcome Back!

And to our now sleeping tournament reporting staff... Well Done!
An 18 hour match with well over 4 hours heads up.

Get some sleep guys...Today's event starts in five hours!!!

And the winner is.....

After a gruelling 4.5 hr heads up battle, and a total of 18 hours of Tournament play, Jethro Horowitz is the 2007 Aussie Millions Omaha Hi Lo Champion.

Taking a huge pot off Adam Geyer the previous hand Jethro had Adam all in and down just two outs.

Holding A4J8 on a board of 6,10,A,5 with one card to come, Jethro had Adam on the ropes. Adam held K933 and could only win with a 3. The River was the {Q-Hearts} and the crowd went wild as Jethro scooped the pot, collecting the $33,600 first prize.

Adam picks up $19,200 in second place.

Full Results in Prize Pool and Payouts link at right.

Tags: Adam GeyerJethro Horowitz

Time for a lift

Pushing close to 6am local time, Tournament Director Danny McDonagh brings out a box of energy drinks to a roaring applause from the crowd. The players have been heads up now for over 4 hours. There is a great atmosphere in the crowd, with plenty of cheering and sighing.

Tags: Danny McDonaghTournament Director

Level: 18

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 0

Jethro all in

The flop is {4-Hearts}{8-Spades}{K-Hearts}

Adam bets $16,000, Jethro raises to $32,000 and Adam calls.

The turn is the {2-Clubs}

Adam check raises Jethro to $64,000 and Jethro reraises to $96,000. Adam makes the call and the River is the {3-Hearts}

Adam bets out, putting Jethro all in for his last $20,000. Jethro makes the call and opens K4JJ for two pair with no low. Adam opens 8376, showing two smaller pair, but wins the low hand.

Tags: Adam GeyerJethro Horowitz

Chop it up

The flop is {8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{10-Hearts}

Adam Geyer checks and Jethro Horowitz fires $16,000 at the pot. Adam calls and the Turn is the {9-Hearts}.

Adam bets out $32,000 and Jethro makes the call. The River is the {5-Spades}.

Both players check. Adam shows 2358 for two pair and 3rd nut low. Jethro shows KKJ8 for a Jack high straight.

Tags: Adam GeyerJethro Horowitz

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