2018 Aussie Millions

$10,600 Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2018 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,458,198 AUD
Event Info
10,600 AUD
Prize Pool
8,000,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Level: 29

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #63-69: Lewis Four-bets Park

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #63: Espen Solaas raised to 180,000 from the cutoff with {K-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}. Chul-Hyon Park held {K-Clubs}{9-Clubs} in the big blind and defended. Both players completely missed the {A-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{5-Spades} flop and Solaas took it with a bet of 140,000.

Hand #64: Park completed the small blind with {K-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and Stefan Huber checked his option with {Q-Spades}{10-Clubs}. Both players flopped a pair on {4-Spades}{J-Hearts}{10-Spades}. Park bet 125,000 with bottom pair and Huber called with middle pair.

The {9-Spades} rolled off on the turn and both players checked. Both players checked again on the {9-Clubs} river and Huber won the hand.

Hand #65: Huber completed {A-Spades}{2-Diamonds} in the small blind, Solaas raised to 280,000 with {Q-Spades}{3-Clubs} and Huber called. Solaas paired up on {10-Hearts}{3-Spades}{10-Spades} and bet 150,000 after Huber checked. The small bet got Huber in for another street.

The {9-Spades} on the turn went check/check. The river brought another nine with the {9-Clubs}, counterfeiting Solaas' hand. Huber, now with the best of it, bet 235,000. Solaas gave it up.

Hand #66: Chul-Hyon Park raised to 190,000 from the cutoff with {K-Diamonds}{J-Clubs}. Mike Del Vecchio bought a flop with {A-Diamonds}{10-Spades} in the big blind. The {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{6-Diamonds} flop went check/check. Park caught top pair on the {K-Clubs} turn and once again, action went check/check.

The river was the {5-Diamonds} and Del Vecchio checked a third time. Park bet 175,000 but was unable to extract value from Del Vecchio.

Hand #67: Del Vecchio completed {J-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} in the small blind and Toby Lewis checked {5-Spades}{2-Diamonds}. The {Q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{K-Spades} flop made Del Vecchio bet 125,000 and Lewis folded.

Hand #68: Del Vecchio raised {K-Hearts}{8-Clubs} on the button and won the blinds.

Hand #69: Lewis made it 160,000 on the button with {K-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. Park three-bet to 525,000 with {A-Spades}{4-Spades} in the small blind. Lewis four-bet to 1,200,000 and Park gave it up.

Tags: Chul-Hyon ParkEspen SolaasMike Del VecchioStefan HuberToby Lewis

Hands #58-62: Huber Hero-Folds

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Stefan Huber
Stefan Huber

Hand #58: Espen Solaas opened with {a-Spades}{9-Spades} in the cutoff to 180,000 and got action from Mike Del Vecchio with {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} on the button and Chul-Hyon Park ({8-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}) in the big.

The {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{10-Spades} flop connected with Solaas but action checked to Del Vecchio, who bet 260,000. Solaas called and the {a-Diamonds} fell. Both checked and the river was an {a-Hearts}. Check-check again and Solaas showed down his aces full.

Hand #59: Solaas opened with {k-Hearts}{10-Clubs} under the gun to 160,000. He won the pot.

Hand #60: Stefan Huber opened for 280,000 in the small blind with {a-Clubs}{q-Spades} and took it down.

Hand #61: Huber opened again, this time on the button with {q-Spades}{9-Hearts}. Del Vecchio defended big blind with {k-Spades}{j-Diamonds} and the board ran out {2-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} with both players checking to showdown.

Hand #62: Park made it 190,000 under the gun with {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}. Huber called with {9-Spades}{8-Spades} in the cutoff and Toby Lewis called in the big with {2-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}.

The flop came {7-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{10-Spades}. Park bet 300,000 and Huber continued, pairing on the {9-Clubs}. Park fired again for 650,000 and Huber called. The river brought the {j-Clubs} and Park moved all in for more than the size of the pot. Huber only needed about 30 seconds before shipping his cards in.

Player Chips Progress
Chul-Hyon Park au
Chul-Hyon Park
Stefan Huber ch
Stefan Huber

Tags: Chul-Hyon ParkEspen SolaasMike Del VecchioStefan HuberToby Lewis

Hands #56-57: Huber Doubles Through Solaas

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #56: Stefan Huber raised to 175,000 on the button with {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and won the hand uncontested.

Hand #57: Huber raised to 180,000 in the cutoff with {A-Hearts}{4-Hearts}. On the button, Espen Solaas got dealt another {K-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} and three-bet to 510,000. Huber four-bet shoved for 1,825,000 and Solaas snap-called.

The German rail shouted for an ace on the top of their lungs. The {3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Spades} flop brought the five as an additional out for Huber. A thunderous cheer erupted from the crowd when the {5-Spades} landed on the turn to secure Huber's double-up, making the {6-Diamonds} river merely for the statistics.

With the double-up, Huber and Solaas now have nearly equal stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Espen Solaas no
Espen Solaas
Stefan Huber ch
Stefan Huber

Tags: Espen SolaasStefan Huber

Ben Richardson Eliminated in 6th Place (A$300,000)

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Ben Richardson
Ben Richardson

Hand #55: Chul-Hyon Park raised with {2-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} in the cutoff and Ben Richardson shoved for 1,155,000 with {a-Spades}{q-Diamonds} in the small blind. Espen Solaas woke up with {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}. He tanked awhile and called, and Park mucked.

The {8-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Hearts} flop brought zero help for the Aussie. A {3-Clubs} likewise meant it was three outs to the river and the {9-Clubs} bricked off.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Richardson au
Ben Richardson

Tags: Ben RichardsonChul-Hyon ParkEspen Solaas

Hands #53-54: Park Takes Over the Chip Lead

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Chul-Hyon Park
Chul-Hyon Park

Hand #53: Mike Del Vecchio raised to 160,000 in the cutoff with {Q-Spades}{9-Diamonds}. Stefan Huber shoved {10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} from the big blind and netted a fold from Del Vecchio.

Hand #54: Espen Solaas was first to act with {A-Spades}{K-Hearts} and made it 160,000 to go. Del Vecchio folded {4-Clubs}{4-Hearts} in middle position. For the second time at the final table, Park woke up {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs} on the button and three-bet to 475,000. Solaas four-bet shoved all in and Park called for 3,020,000.

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{7-Spades}{10-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and Park took over the chip lead from Solaas.

Player Chips Progress
Chul-Hyon Park au
Chul-Hyon Park
Espen Solaas no
Espen Solaas

Tags: Chul-Hyon ParkEspen SolaasMichael Del VecchioStefan Huber

Hands #49-52: Solaas Bluffs Lewis

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #49: Stefan Huber pushed all in with {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} on the button and got no action.

Hand #50: Espen Solaas opened to 280,000 with {a-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} in the small blind and Mike Del Vecchio flatted with {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}. The flop came {10-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{j-Hearts} and Solaas settled on a small bet of 190,000, which was quickly called. The turn was a {5-Hearts} and Solaas slowed down with a check. The river was a {4-Clubs} and Del Vecchio bet 380,000 when checked to. That earned him the pot.

Hand #51: Huber raised to 175,000 with {q-Spades}{j-Hearts}. Del Vecchio three-bet with {a-}{j-} and won the pot in short order.

Hand #52: Solaas opened to 180,000 with {10-Spades}{6-Spades} in the cutoff and Toby Lewis was in the small blind with {a-Hearts}{q-Spades}. He just called and they saw an {a-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop. Lewis checked the flop and saw a 140,000 bet emerge from his foe. Lewis came back with 400,000. Solaas peeled and they saw the {5-Spades} hit. Lewis barreled again for 450,000. Solaas again stuck around to see the {3-Clubs} hit on the river.

Lewis checked and Solaas bet 800,000. That induced an immediate fold.

Player Chips Progress
Espen Solaas no
Espen Solaas
Toby Lewis gb
Toby Lewis
Day 4 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Espen SolaasToby LewisMike Del VecchioStefan Huber

Hands #43-48: Aces Aplenty

Level 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #43: Toby Lewis raised to 225,000 from middle position holding {K-Hearts}{J-Spades}. Espen Solaas defended his big blind with {J-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}. On the {6-Spades}{10-Hearts}{7-Spades} flop, Solaas was first to act and thought for over a minute before leading out with 175,000. Lewis snap-folded his king-high.

Hand #44: Stefan Huber shipped it for 1,160,000 from the cutoff with {A-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #45: Solaas raised it to 200,000 on the button with {A-Clubs}{5-Spades}. Mike Del Vecchio three-bet to 700,000 from the small blind with {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} and Solaas gave it up.

Hand #46: Solaas found {A-Spades}{A-Hearts} in the cutoff and made it 180,000 to go. Unfortunately for Solaas, there were no customers and he picked up just the blinds and antes.

Hand #47: Lewis minraised with {Q-Diamonds}{10-Spades} on the button. Stefan Huber reshoved {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs} from the big blind for 1,310,000 and Lewis folded.

Hand #48: Lewis raised again to 160,000, now in the cutoff holding {A-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}. This time, Park picked up {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs} and three-bet to 450,000 on the button. Lewis peeled but whiffed on the {8-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{5-Spades} flop and check-folded to a big bet from Park.

Player Chips Progress
Toby Lewis gb
Toby Lewis
Day 4 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Espen Solaas no
Espen Solaas
Mike Del Vecchio us
Mike Del Vecchio
Day 3 Chip Leader
WPT 1X Winner
Chul-Hyon Park au
Chul-Hyon Park
Stefan Huber ch
Stefan Huber
Ben Richardson au
Ben Richardson

Tags: Chul-Hyon ParkEspen SolaasMike Del VecchioStefan HuberToby Lewis