2016 Aussie Millions

Event #11: $10,600 Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2016 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,320,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #185-191: Dunst Wins a Much Needed Pot with King-Four

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 0 ante

Hand #185: Dunst found {A-Spades}{8-Hearts} on the button and raised to 275,000. Engel folded his {J-Spades}{4-Diamonds}.

Hand #186: {10-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} on the button for Engel and he raised it up to 265,000. Dunst defended holding {7-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and checked on {4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{4-Hearts}. Engel checked behind and the {6-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Dunst bet 350,000 into the pot of 530,000 and that was enough to take it down as Engel immediately folded.

Hand #187: Dunst folded {9-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} on the button, giving Engel a walk.

Ari Engel requested a 2-minute bathroom break and Dunst and the tournament director were happy to oblige as he of course remembered when someone didn't take his bathroom break back at the PCA not too long ago.

Hand #188: Engel on the button with {10-Spades}{8-Spades} raised to 265,000 and Dunst folded his {3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}.

Hand #189: Dunst folded {8-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} on the button, giving Engel a walk.

Hand #190: {10-Spades}{7-Spades} for Engel on the button and he raised to 265,000. Dunst with {K-Spades}{4-Clubs} three-bet to 750,000 and Engel called to grow the pot to 1.5 million.

{K-Hearts}{6-Spades}{2-Clubs} on the flop and Dunst, now with top pair, bet just under half the pot sliding 650,000 to the middle. Engel tanked for a bit before he called.

Dunst increased his 93% hand to a 100% hand with the {5-Hearts} on the turn. Dunst checked and Engel bet 550,000 into the 2.8 million pot. Dunst called and the {4-Hearts} completed the board. Dunst checked with his two pair and Engel let the 3.9 million pot to Dunst after some hefty tanking.

Hand #191: Dunst got {8-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} on the button and raised to 280,000. Engel called with {Q-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} and the flop came {7-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{A-Hearts} giving Dunst an open ended and Engel a pair of sevens. Engel checked, and called the 300,000 bet from Dunst. The {4-Diamonds} hit the turn doing nothing for either and Engel checked. Dunst bet 750,000 into the 1.2 million pot and Engel folded.

Player Chips Progress
Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Tony Dunst us
Tony Dunst
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ari EngelTony Dunst