2016 Aussie Millions

Event #11: $10,600 Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2016 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,320,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #154-156: Three for Dunst

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 0 ante

Hand #154: Engel raised to 310,000 on the button with the {7-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Dunst called from the big blind with the {10-Clubs}{6-Hearts}, and the flop was {K-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{6-Diamonds}. Dunst checked, Engel bet 255, and Dunst called with bottom pair.

The turn was the {4-Clubs}, and both players checked to see the {10-Diamonds} land on the river. Dunst checked with two pair, and Engel checked and didn't bluff at it, so Dunst won the pot.

Hand #155: Dunst had the button and the {9-Clubs}{8-Spades}. He raised to 280,000, and Engel called with the {7-Spades}{4-Spades}. The flop was {A-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}{5-Spades}, and Engel checked. Dunst bet 300,000, and Engel folded.

Hand #156: Engel raised on the button to 310,000 with the {6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. Dunst three-bet to 860,000 with the {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}, and Engel folded.

Tags: Ari EngelTony Dunst

Hands #150-153: Four for Engel

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 0 ante

Hand #150: Ari Engel raised to 300,000 on the button with the {A-Diamonds}{5-Spades}, and Tony Dunst folded the {J-Hearts}{2-Spades} from the big blind.

Hand #151: Dunst folded from the button.

Hand #152: Engel raised on the button to 310,000 with the {A-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}, and Dunst called with the {8-Spades}{7-Spades} to see the {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} flop. Dunst checked, Engel bet 335,000, and Dunst folded.

Hand #153: Dunst gave Engel a walk.

Tags: Tony DunstAri Engel

Hands #147-149: Two Big Ones for Engel

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 0 ante

Hand #147: On the button, Tony Dunst raised to 300,000 with the {A-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}. Ari Engel reraised to 885,000 with the {A-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}, and then Dunst made it 2 million to go. Engel moved all in, and Dunst gave it up.

Hand #148: Engel gave Dunst a walk.

Hand #149: Dunst raised to 300,000 with the {7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}, and Engel called with the {A-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}.

Both players checked the {Q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop, and the {2-Hearts} was added on the turn. Engel checked, Dunst bet 350,000, and Engel called.

The river was the {3-Clubs} to give Engel a straight. He checked, and Dunst bet 750,000. Engel called with a straight, and he won the pot.

Tags: Tony DunstAri Engel

Level: 30

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 0

Hands #143-146: Dunst Flops Trips

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Hand #143: Dunst found {J-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and raised it to 250,000. Engel had the dominating {J-Hearts}{5-Spades} but folded.

Hand #144: Engel on the button with {8-Hearts}{8-Spades} raised to 250,000. Dunst called with {5-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} and checked on {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}. Engel bet half the pot and Dunst called. Both players checked on the {J-Hearts} turn and the {3-Diamonds} completed the board. Another two checks later and Dunst took down the relatively small pot with flopped trips.

"Pretty good run out" Engel said with a smile.

Hand #145: Tony Dunst folded his button.

Hand #146: Engel raised to 250,000 with {K-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and Dunst called with {10-Hearts}{9-Hearts}. Because of a problem with the stream we missed the action till we saw both players check on the river on a board of {K-Spades}{4-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and Dunst took it down.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Tony Dunst us
Tony Dunst
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ari EngelTony Dunst

Hands #138-141: Back and Forth

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 0 ante

Hand #138: Ari Engel raised to 250,000 on the button with the {8-Spades}{5-Spades}. Tony Dunst called from the big blind with the {10-Clubs}{2-Clubs}, and the flop came down {Q-Clubs}{9-Spades}{3-Spades}. Dunst checked, Engel bet 300,000 with his flush draw, and Dunst folded.

Hand #139: On the button, Dunst raised to 250,000 with the {7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}. Engel called with the {A-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}, and both players checked the {Q-Spades}{10-Clubs}{8-Clubs} flop to see the {3-Hearts} added on the turn. Engel checked, Dunst bet 350,000, and Engel folded.

Hand #140: With the {A-Spades}{6-Hearts} on the button, Engel raised to 250,000. Dunst called from the big blind with the {10-Spades}{6-Clubs}, and the flop came down {7-Hearts}{5-Spades}{4-Hearts}. Both players checked to see the {6-Diamonds} hit the turn, and they checked again.

The river was the {9-Spades}, and action was checked by both players. Engel won the pot with his pair of sizes and ace kicker.

Hand #141: Dunst raised to 250,000 on the button with the {J-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}. Engel called with a dominated {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}, and then he checked the {K-Spades}{8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} flop. Dunst bet 225,000, and Engel called.

The turn was the {7-Diamonds}, and Engel opted to lead out with a bet of 375,000. Dunst called, and the river was the {K-Diamonds}. Engel checked, Dunst checked, and Dunst won the pot with a flush.

Tags: Tony DunstAri Engel

Hands #135-137: Dunst Folds Top Pair Correctly

Level 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #135: Dunst with {K-Hearts}{3-Hearts} on the button raised to 250,000. Engel called with {K-Diamonds}{8-Spades}. The flop came {A-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} and Engel check called a bet of 200,000. The {Q-Hearts} on the turn saw both players check and the {3-Spades} completed the board. Engel bet out 300,000 into the 900,000 pot and despite rivering bottom pair Dunst didn't pay him off and folded.

Hand #136: Engel made it 250,000 with {K-Clubs}{3-Clubs}, Dunst called from the big blind with {A-Hearts}{8-Clubs}. {2-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} on the flop and both players checked. The {3-Clubs} on the turn made Engel bet 275,000 and Dunst called with the ace high.

The {K-Hearts} completed the board and Dunst checked. Engel bet 450,000 into 1.1 million with his rivered fullhouse. Dunst again made a good fold.

Hand #137: Dunst on the button found {A-Spades}{10-Spades} and raised to 250,000 with his premium. Engel three-bet with a premium of his own, he raised to 750,000 holding {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}. Dunst called and out flopped Engel: {A-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}. Engel bet 425,000 into 1.5 million and Dunst made the call.

The {Q-Diamonds} on the turn helped Engel back in the lead and he bet 750,000 into 2.4 million. Dunst made the call, already drawing dead.

The {6-Clubs} completed the board and Engel bet 1,425,000 into the 3.9 million pot. Dunst took a sip of his drink, thought about it for a fair bit, and eventually came to the right conclusion and folded.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Tony Dunst us
Tony Dunst
WSOP 3X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ari EngelTony Dunst