2011 Aussie Millions

Event #9: Aussie Millions Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,000,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,210,000 AUD
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Lindgren Forced to Fold to Reinkemeier's Shove

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Michael Healy raised from the cutoff seat to 16,000 and Patrik Antonius flatted from the button. Erick Lindgren reraised from the small blind to 63,000. Tobias Reinkemeier was in the big blind and moved all in. Healy and Antonius folded and Lindgren went into the tank. Reinkemeier had him covered and after a couple minutes, Lindgren mucked his hand.

Lindgren dropped to 455,000 while Reinkemeier moved to 600,000.

Tags: Tobias ReinkemeierErick LindgrenMichael HealyPatrik Antonius

Stavropoulos Spikes Double

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Manny Stavropoulos
Manny Stavropoulos

Howard Lederer opened to 25,000 and Manny Stavropoulos defended his big blind to see a {5-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} flop fall.

Stavropoulos saw his last 123,000 enter the pot with Lederer giving him action.

Stavropoulos: {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
Lederer: {K-Hearts}{7-Hearts}

With Stavropoulos crushed, the {8-Diamonds} on the turn would breath new life into the local tournament regular as the {5-Clubs} completed the board.

As Stavropoulos collected the pot to move to 335,000, Lederer slipped to 180,000 in chips.

Tags: Howard LedererManny Stavropoulos

Cusenza Ships Turn on Moorman

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Cliff Lee opened to 16,000 from under the gun and Adam Cusenza made the call from the cutoff before Chris Moorman three-bet the big blind to 48,000.

Lee passed, but Cusenza made the call as the {3-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} flop was spread. Moorman took his allotted time before leading for 57,000 as Cusenza made the call.

The turn repeated the six and Moorman took slightly longer - roughly two minutes - before making it 111,000.

It was now Cusenza's turn to go into the tank, and after shuffling chips and adjusting his stack for nearly four minutes, he moved all in for 275,000 total.

Moorman quickly mucked to slip to 525,000 as Cusenza raked in the pot to move to 630,000 in chips.

Tags: Adam CusenzaCliff LeeChris Moorman

Roman Zoch Eliminated in 35th Place (AUD$30,000)

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Roman Zoch entered the pot with a raise to 20,000 which Randy Dorfman called as the flop landed {10-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{9-Clubs}.

Zoch checked and Dorfman moved all in as Zoch instantly called for his last 103,000.

Dorfman: {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}
Zoch: {K-Spades}{K-Diamonds}

With Zoch in great shape to double, the cruel {Q-Spades} on the turn would swing the momentum round to be in Dorfman's favor as the {2-Spades} completed the river.

While Dorfman maintains his million-chip plus chip lead, Zoch was forced to hit the cashiers cage to collect his AUD$30,000 payday for his great thirty-fifth place effort.

Tags: Randy DorfmanRoman Zoch

Dorfman Flushes Mizzi

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

From the button, Sorel Mizzi raised to 15,000. Randy Lew called from the small blind and Randy Dorfman called from the big blind. The flop came down {8-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{2-Clubs} and action checked to Mizzi. He bet 28,000 and Lew folded. Dorfman raised to 81,000 and Mizzi made the call.

The {3-Clubs} paired the board on the turn and Dorfman bet 125,000. Mizzi made the call. The river completed the board with the {6-Hearts} and both players checked.

Dorfman's {6-Clubs}{5-Clubs} was the winner as Mizzi mucked when he saw the flush. Dorfman moved to 1.31 million and Mizzi dropped to 565,000.

Tags: Randy DorfmanSorel Mizzi