2011 Aussie Millions

Event #9: Aussie Millions Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,000,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
Prize Pool
7,210,000 AUD
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Graham Gone

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Jarred Graham
Jarred Graham

Jarred Graham saw the last of his chips enter the pot against Emanuel Seal.

Graham: {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}
Seal: {A-Diamonds}{A-Spades}

Although picking up a sweat on the turn, the final board of {6-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{10-Spades}{3-Hearts} would end Graham's tournament just shy of dinner break as Seal climbs to 180,000 in chips.

Tags: Jarred GrahamEmanuel Seal

King Phil

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

Team Full Tilt Poker member Phil Ivey peeked down at his {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds} in the big blind, and after the cutoff shipped for 34,000, he had no hesitation in making the call.

Ivey: {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}
Opponent: {A-Clubs}{J-Hearts}

The board ran out a safe {8-Spades}{3-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{10-Spades} to see Ivey eliminate an opponent and move to 90,000.

"Nice hand buddy!" stated Patrik Antonius to get a wry smile from Ivey.

Tags: Phil IveyPatrik Antonius

Back-to-Back Pots for Antonius

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

With the board reading {J-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{4-Clubs}, Patrik Antonius checked to Howard Lederer on his left. Lederer bet 7,000 and then Antonius went into the tank. He thought for a bit before putting in a raise to 21,000. Lederer gave it up and Antonius won the pot to move to 185,000. Lederer dropped to 210,000.

On the next hand, action folded to the cutoff seat and he raised to 4,700. Antonius called from the button and they went heads up to the flop, which came down {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{2-Spades}. The cutoff continuation bet 5,600 and Antonius called.

The turn card was the {3-Diamonds} and both players checked. They also checked after the {3-Hearts} paired the board on the river.

The cutoff opened up the {4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}, but that wasn't good against Antonius' {10-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}. Antonius won the pot and stacked up to 200,000.

Tags: Howard LedererPatrik Antonius

Dorfman with Half a Million Now

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

A player raised to 4,500 from under the gun and Randy Dorfman reraised to 11,500. The player then moved all in for about 45,000 and Dorfman called.

Dorfman: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}
Opponent: {A-Diamonds}{K-Spades}

The board ran out {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{4-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} and Dorfman busted the player to move to 500,000 in chips.

Tags: Randy Dorfman

Some How Some Way

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

Facing a button raise to 6,600, Phil Ivey threw in four yellow 5,000-denomination chips amounting to a 20,000-chip raise.

With the action back on the button, he tossed in six yellow chips, which in most brick-and-morter such as Crown Casino, would constitute a raise since it was more than fifty percent.

Ivey asked the dealer what the ruling is - and although the button should have been forced to make it 33,400 - it was ruled as a call.

The dealer dropped a {2-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{10-Spades} flop and Ivey checked as his opponent moved all in. Ivey nodded, and as the dealer requested further clarification, he announced a call and tabled his hand.

Ivey: {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Opponent: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}

With Ivey in dominating shape with top pair and a flush draw, the {3-Hearts} on the turn would see him capture the pot to move to 186,000 as players broke to dinner before the meaningless {8-Hearts} completed the board.

Tags: Phil Ivey

Ding Ding It's Dinner Time!

Level 11 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante
Chris Ferguson snacking on a Lamington
Chris Ferguson snacking on a Lamington

The remaining 120 players have earned a well needed 75-minute dinner break.

See you back here at 8:30 pm EST.

If you happen to be following the coverage from your phone down in the Crown Poker Room - or are nearby - then feel free to make your way down to the bar to enjoy Australia's iconic desert of a Lamington!

Level: 12

Blinds: 1,200/2,400

Ante: 400