2011 Aussie Millions

Event #17: No-Limit Hold'em - 6-Handed
Day: 2
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
108,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

A Slow Start

Level 12 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

There's been very little action, but that comes as no surprise given that we're playing nine minutes of a blind level.

The only hand we've managed to see was one between Adam Stoneham and Ben Delaney on the flop of {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}; Stoneham check-called after Delaney's bet of 6,500 before both players checked on the turn of the {k-Spades}.

Stoneham then led out for 9,000 on the river of the {3-Spades}; Delaney quickly folded and Stoneham took down the pot. Still no sign of Leo Boxell though!

Tags: Ben DelaneyAdam StonehamLeo Boxell

Shuffle Up and Deal!

Level 12 : 1,000/2,000, 300 ante

The cards are in the air! There are just over nine minutes left in this level before the blinds go up, but we should note that everybody is here except for Leo Boxell. At least Wally the Wombat is guarding Boxell's chips!

Level: 12

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 300

Time to Crown Another Champion!

Welcome back to the Crown Poker Room for the conclusion of the 2011 Aussie Millions $2,200 No Limit Hold'em Six Handed event!

225 players started yesterday and now, we're down to the final 18. Already, six players have collected AUD $3,600 from the cage and from this point onward, each player is guaranteed AUD $5,400. Of course, only one player will walk away with the top prize of AUD $100,800 and the Event #17 championship gold ring and we'll be here from go-to-whoa to find out who that will be.

The action is due to get underway at 2pm AEDT, so be sure to keep up with every flop, turn and river right here on PokerNews!

Day 2 Seat Draw

Table 10

SeatNameChip Count
1Stuart McLeod-Smith228,500
2Waki Waki152,300
3Bodo Sbrzesny76,200
4Simon Charette104,500
5Daniel Laidlaw69,500
6Ben Vinson215,100

Table 11

SeatNameChip Count
1Toby Lewis142,600
2Andrew Jeffreys102,500
3Billy Argyros126,800
4Adam Stoneham123,900
5Ben Delaney141,000
6Leo Boxell38,700

Table 15

SeatNameChip Count
1Kosta Varoxis56,000
2Tony Dunst153,300
3Ray Ellis29,700
4Danny Chevalier134,900
5Josh Tekesky237,600
6Daniel Reijmer120,800

Event #17: No-Limit Hold'em - 6-Handed

Day 2 Started

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