2011 Aussie Millions

Event #13: Australia Heads-Up Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
130,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD

Woods and Wong Play Ping Pong

Darren Woods raised to 300, and Nick Wong reraised to 700. Woods moved all in, and Wong called.

Woods: {a-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}
Wong: {k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}

The board fell {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}, giving Woods two pair and a double up to 6,300.

A minute later, they got it all in again. "Here we go again," said Wong. "Am I just going to give them right back to you?" It was Wong's {k-}{10-} against Woods' {a-}{5-}.

The {a-} in the door had Woods smiling, but then the dealer spread the whole flop: {a-}{q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}. Wong's wheel was plenty good for the double up.

And then a minute after that, they did it again. Woods shoved {a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} to flip with Wong's {3-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}. The board fell jack-high, and they were back to even. "Should we just flip a coin?" asked Woods.

Tags: Darren WoodsNick Wong