2010 Aussie Millions

Event 5: $1,650 No Limit Hold'em w/ Bounties
Day: 2
Event Info

2010 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
122,700 AUD
Event Info
1,500 AUD
Prize Pool
533,500 AUD
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Event 5: $1,650 No Limit Hold'em w/ Bounties

Day 2 Completed

Congratulations to Jonathan Karamalikis; Event No. 5 Champion (AUD $122,700)!

Jonathan Karamalikis - Event No. 5 Champion!
Jonathan Karamalikis - Event No. 5 Champion!
When the day began, Jonathan Karamalikis was second in chips behind Jason Gray. Karamalikis powered through his table in the shootout portion of the tournament to claim the chip lead going into the final table.

Known as a very successful player online where he goes by "xMONSTERxDONGx" and "MONSTER_DONG", Karamalikis was viewed by many as a heavy favorite given the format of the final day. With essentially only having to play two sit-n-gos more, Karamalikis liked his chances. After eliminating a few players at his starting table for the day, the youngster quickly amassed a stack of 758,000. That was good enough to have the chip lead at the final table.

Both Luke Abolins and Mick Norton busted shortly into the start of the final table before things slowed down a bit. David Steicke took control of most of the action early, but after a few big hands with Karamalikis, soon gave back the chip lead. Steicke eventually went on to finish in 4th place, scoring his second 4th-place finish of the series.

Karamalikis held a big lead on the final two players in his way - Steve Friedlander and David Lacchia. After Lacchia busted at the hands of Friedlander, heads-up play took only a few hands before Karamalikis finished things off.

After flopping top pair on a jack-high board, Karamalikis had Friedlander and his middle pair drawing very slim. The turn and river both blanked and the railbirds erupted in cheer for Karamalikis, who was quickly embraced in a big hug from his father.

Karamalikis scored his first major live win and pocketed himself $122,700 AUD. Congratulations to him on the victory and thanks for following the coverage on PokerNews.

Be sure to stay with us for every event here in Melbourne at the Aussie Millions!

Tags: Jonathan Karamalikis

Steve Friedlander Eliminated in 2nd Place (AUD $80,025)

Steve Friedlander called from the small blind and Jonathan Karamalikis checked his option. The flop came down {5-Clubs}{j-Spades}{7-Hearts}.

Karamalikis checked and Friedlander made it 75,000 to go then Karamalikis raised it up to 175,000. Friedlander answered with an "all in" and Karamalikis made the call.

Friedlander: {7-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}
Karamalikis: {j-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}

The turn {4-Clubs} and the river {2-Hearts} were no help to Friedlander as he made his exit and we crowned the Event #5 winner.

Tags: Jonathan KaramalikisSteve Friedlander

Karamalikis Draws First Blood

Steve Friedlander raised to 75,000 from the button and Jonathan Karmalikis called.

The flop came down {10-Diamonds} {6-Clubs} {2-Clubs} and Karamalikis check-called a bet of 75,000. The turn was the {9-Spades} and both players checked.

The river card was the {5-Spades} and Karamalikis fired 120,000. Friedlander folded and Karamalikis scooped the pot.

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 3,000

Break Time!

The players are now on a 10-minute break.

Jonathan Karamalikis and Steve Friedlander are heads up and this is what the stack sizes look like:

Karamalikis - 2,950,000
Friedlander - 820,000
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