2009 Aussie Millions

Event 2 - $1,050 PokerPro No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
25,000 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD
Level Info
4,000 / 8,000

Event 2 - $1,050 PokerPro No Limit Hold'em

Day 1 Completed

Mitchell Carle Wins Event #2: $1,050 PokerPro No Limit Hold'em ($25,000)

Mitchell Carle Wins!
Mitchell Carle Wins!
Congratulations to Queenslander Mitchell Carle who overcame a field of 83 to be crowned the Event #2: $1,050 PokerPro No Limit Hold'em Champion and owner of the coveted Gold Ring.

Carle outlasted a world-class field that included Annette "Annette_15" Obrestad, Emad Tahtouh, Marty Smyth, David Saab and many more. After falling short in third place in a similar event during the 2008 PokerNews Cup, Carle's mix of patience, courage and solid play was rewarded with this victory.

Congratulations to the other final tablists who cashed and as we wrap up our coverage of Event #2, make just to join us tomorrow at 12:30pm where we continue our 2009 Aussie Millions coverage with Event #3: $1,100 Limit Omaha Hi/Lo. We look forward to your company!

Tags: Mitchell Carle

Daniel Neilson Eliminated in 2nd Place ($16,600); Mitchell Carle Wins!

Daniel Neilson - 2nd Place
Daniel Neilson - 2nd Place
With the action on Mitchell Carle he opened with a raise to 20,000. Daniel Neilson immediately moved all in for a further 140,000 and Carle made the call.

Neilson: {Q-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Carle: {A-Diamonds}{5-Spades}

The flop came down {A-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{8-Clubs} leaving Neilson drawing to only backdoor outs, and with the {3-Spades} landing on the turn Neilson was left drawing dead. The meaningless {4-Spades} landed on the river sending the virtual pot in Carle's direction.

For a long day on the virtual felt, Daniel Neilson received $16,600 in prize money for his 2nd placing to Carle.

Tags: Daniel NeilsonMitchell Carle

Carle Makes Huge Bluff

On a flop of {7-Spades}{5-Spades}{K-Hearts} Mitchell Carle checked over to Daniel Neilson who fired out a bet of 10,000. Carle proceeded to raise to 25,000 and Neilson made the call.

The turn fell the {3-Spades} and Carle led for 30,000 and was again called by Neilson. The river fell the {5-Clubs} and Carle moved all in and was followed by a fold from Neilson.

As the virtual pot was pushed to Carle he clicked the PokerPro show cards button and revealed {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades} for a triple-barrel bluff with 10-high.

With that pot Carle regained most of his chips from the recent double up and moved back to 660,000 as Neilson slipped to 165,000 in chips.

Tags: Daniel NeilsonMitchell Carle

Neilson Doubles With Ace-High

Daniel Neilson limped for 8,000 which was followed by Mitchell Carle moving all in. Neilson stood up and announced "Snap Call!" and virtually tabled {A-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} to be up against Carle's {Q-Clubs}{4-Hearts}.

The final board read {J-Hearts}{2-Spades}{J-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Neilson's ace-high took down the pot sending him back to 220,000 while Carle still hold's a strong lead with 609,000 in chips.

Tags: Daniel NeilsonMitchell Carle

The Crowd Gathers

With Event 1 recently wrapping up, the crowd has moved over to the PokerPro tables to catch all the heads up action.

From a crowd of less than 10 people 20 minutes ago, it has swelled to more than 40 onlookers looking to see who will be crowned the next Aussie Millions Champ.

Heads Up Counts:
Mitchell Carle - 677,000
Daniel Neilson - 140,000

Tags: Daniel NeilsonMitchell Carle

Level: 14

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 0

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