2009 Aussie Millions

Event 17 - $1,100 No Limit Hold'em Turbo
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Matt Dietrich
Winning Hand
42,900 AUD
Event Info
1,000 AUD
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

Guttman Doubles Through Garp

Tobias Garp has taken a large hit at the hands of Mick Guttman.

Garp raised preflop from the button to 3,000 with Guttman calling out of the big blind. The flop of {5-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{5-Hearts} saw Guttman check-raise to 10,000 after Garp bet out 4,000. Garp thought for a few moments before moving all in covering Guttman, and Guttman made the call.

Garp tabled {q-Hearts}{10-Spades} for a pair of fives, queen kicker.
Guttman {a-Spades}{7-Spades} for a pair of fives, ace kicker.

The board completed two pair for both with turn {2-Hearts}, river {2-Spades}. Guttman's kicker shipping him the 62,600 pot. Garp drops to 17,500.

Tags: Mick GuttmanStickyTobias Garp

Saber Slashes Huntly

Dennis Huntly has been eliminated from the turbo tournament after having his {K-Hearts}{k-Spades} cracked.

There was plenty of action in front of Huntly with Luke Abolins opening to 3,500 and then Mark Saber pushing all in over the top. Huntly called for slightly less, and Abolins folded his {a-?}{q-?}.

Saber tabled {A-Hearts}{j-Spades} to need some help. The flop wasn't of assistance coming {9-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{9-Hearts}, nor was the turn {6-Clubs}. However the river {A-Spades} was enough to see Huntly off to the rail, cursing his bad luck, with Saber moving up to approximately 26,000 in chips.

Play Slows Down

With the dinner break and money bubble approaching the tournament has slowed down, by turbo standards. 30 players remain and 16 will make the money.

Darko Balaban Eliminated

Mick Guttman eliminates Darko Balaban
Mick Guttman eliminates Darko Balaban
Darko Balaban continues our flurry of eliminations today. Michael "Mick" Guttman had all his chips in preflop with {A-Spades}{5-Hearts} and Balaban called for slightly less with {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts}.

The board was no help to Balaban, running out {8-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{6-Spades}{7-Diamonds} to almost double up Guttman, and eliminate Balaban from the final hold'em event of the Aussie Millions.

Guttman now has 19,500.

Tags: Darko BalabanMick GuttmanSticky

Level: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 0

Huntly Doubles Through

Dennis Huntly
Dennis Huntly
Dennis Huntly has doubled through Mark Handmer. Mark Saber opened the hand to 1,300 before Huntly moved all in for 5,300. Handmer re-shoved all in covering Saber, so Saber folded out of the way.

Handmer tabled {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}, while Huntly rolled over {A-Hearts}{j-Spades}. The flop put Huntly ahead coming {A-Spades}{5-Spades}{q-Spades}. The turn {8-Hearts} and river {6-Hearts} not doing enough to get Handmer back in front.

Huntly moves up to 13,200.

Tags: Dennis HuntlyMark HandmerMark Saber

"Welcome to Gary's Table"

Gary Benson had just eliminated an opponent in a race, with his {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} making a set against his opponent's top pair top kicker {a-Spades}{k-Spades}. Seeing a new player arrive to the table Matt Hawker was quick to welcome him with, "Welcome to Gary's table."

As if just to prove the statement Benson proceeded to bust a player in the hand immediately following. Benson opened under the gun to 2,200 and Lindy Thornton moved all in for 9,900. Benson made the call.

Thornton tabled {a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} to be well ahead of Benson's {K-?}{q-?} until the flop brought {k-Spades}{9-Hearts}{j-Spades}. Thornton still had outs to a straight, as well as her ace, but neither hit on the turn {6-Diamonds} and river {6-Clubs}.

Benson is cruising at 72,000.

Tags: Gary BensonLindy Thornton