2009 Aussie Millions

Event 10 - $5,300 Heads Up Championship
Day: 1a
Event Info

2009 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
100,000 AUD
Event Info
5,000 AUD

Solomon Finds Two-Outer to Stay Alive

Graeme Putt limped the button for 300 and Jarred Solomon raised to 1,100 total. The flop fell down {K-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{2-Spades} and Solomon led out for 1,100, with Putt making the call.

The turn fell the {5-Spades}, and Solomon checked before Putt moved all in. Solomon near instant-shipped his 5,150 total and asked Putt if he had the king. Putt shook his head and tabled {10-Spades}{9-Clubs}, which was in great shape to Solomon's {6-Hearts}{6-Spades}.

The crowd went wild when the river landed the {6-Clubs}, making Solomon a set and sending Putt down to 5,300. Solomon soared to a three-to-one advantage.

Tags: Graeme 'KiwiG' PuttJarred Solomon