2009 Asian Poker Tour Macau

APT Macau Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2009 Asian Poker Tour Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
10,000 / 20,000

More Chips for Casey

There were 3,000 chips already in the middle for a three-way flop of {k-Diamonds} {A-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds} at Casey Kastle's table. Ian Frazer and one other player checked in front of Kastle, who bet 1,000. Frazer folded but the third playr called to the turn {2-Hearts}. Both players checked.

The river was an offsuit queen, the {Q-Clubs}. Kastle's opponent fired out for 3,000 and Kastle quickly called. Kastle's opponent showed {J-Diamonds} {Q-Spades} for a missed flush draw that paired queens. Kastle showed a similar hand, except his missed flush draw actually made two pair with {A-Hearts} {Q-Diamonds}.

Kastle is now up to about 28,000 chips.

Tags: Casey Kastle

The Fast Pace Continues

The big screen here on the tournament floor tells us there are just 67 players remaining. That means we've already lost half of our original starting field of 133 within the first six levels of play.

Play was originally scheduled to stretch a full ten levels today, which we suspected might take us as far as our final 30 players. However at the pace at which this tournament is moving, there's a chance we might have to stop early if the field becomes too small.

Kastle Sends One Home

We didn't see the beginnings, only the aftermath. On a board of {7-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {2-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {8-Clubs}, Casey Kastle's {J-Hearts} {7-Hearts} was the best hand versus an opponent's {5-Clubs} {5-Spades}. That opponent was all in and covered by Kastle. When the pot was pushed to Kastle and added to his stack, he topped out at 22,000 chips.

Tags: Casey Kastle

Kinkade Eliminates Dunst

Tony Dunst has also joined the ever-growing rail after pushing back against Jay "SEABEAST" Kinkade at the wrong time.

Kinkade was happy to oblige with {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} as Dunst trailed with his {A-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}.

The board was spread {7-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{6-Spades}{J-Spades}{7-Clubs} and Dunst was sent to the rail as Kinkade now commands a stack of 46,000 chips.

Tags: Jay KinkadeTony Dunst

Matloubi Busto

Mansour Matloubi - Eliminated
Mansour Matloubi - Eliminated
It was an uneventful day for Mansour Matloubi. Picking what seemed like a good spot, he re-raised all in from the big blind for about 7,000 after the cutoff opened to 1,525. That player snap-called the re-raise and tabled {K-Hearts} {K-Spades}. Matloubi showed {j-Hearts} {j-Clubs} and quickly said, "Thank you," to the table, as if he knew he would not improve and was bidding the table farewell. Matloubi did nt improve and as a result has been eliminated from the tournament.

Tags: Mansour Matloubi

Rafferty's Boat Sends One To The Rail

Tom Rafferty
Tom Rafferty
Tom Rafferty has stormed up the chip count leaderboard after eliminating a short-stacked opponent.

We assume the chips were in the middle on the flop as we arrived to the table to see the chips pushed in Rafferty's direction on a board of {4-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}. Rafferty held {2-Clubs}{2-Spades} for a set which rivered a full house which was far too strong for his opponent's top pair with {10-?}{9-?}.

Rafferty now sits with 28,000 chips.

Tags: Tom Rafferty

The Doctor's Not In

"Bad luck sir," Emanuel Seal told a player known only as Doctor Raymond. "Well played." Seal was offering his condolences because Raymond had been bounced from the tournament holding pocket jacks after two separate players called with ace-king. Despite needing to fade four outs, Raymond saw the board run out with both of the remaining aces, {8-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {A-Clubs} {A-Hearts} {10-Hearts}.

"I'm happy to chop with you," one of the ace-king players told the other after Raymond departed.

Tags: Emanuel Seal

Level: 6

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 50

Dunst Looking For Double Up

Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst has slipped down to 7,000 and appeared set to gamble for a double up in a recent hand. After two limpers, Dunst made it 1,700 to play, only to have the under-the-gun limper move all in over the top, covering Dunst.

"I can't have you come in and bully us around!" said the UTG player to Dunst who had only recently moved to this table.

"I really wish I'd been here longer!" laughed Dunst as he couldn't get a read from his opponent's play. In the end, after several minutes of thought, Dunst made a painful fold and will live to fight another day.

Tags: Tony Dunst

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