2008 PokerStars.net APPT Manila

APPT Manila Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.net APPT Manila

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Poker is Easy; Marcus Eliminates Nordstrom, then Saab

David Saab, Day 1a
David Saab, Day 1a
"That's so sick!" complained Van Marcus, standing out of his seat at Table 11. The board showed {7-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {A-Hearts} {3-Spades}. Marcus tabled {3-Diamonds} {3-Hearts}; Daniel Nordstrom, who was just barely all in for more than 50,000, tabled {10-Clubs} {10-Diamonds}.

"Just hit the one-outer," David Saab instructed Marcus. "It's that easy."

Imagine the roar from the room when Marcus did just that, spiking the {3-Clubs} on the river for runner-runner quads to take out Nordstrom.

The media had barely dispersed from the table when Marcus was involved in another huge pot, this time with David Saab all in for roughly 40,000. Marcus showed {K-Hearts} {K-Spades} against Saab's {A-Diamonds} {j-Clubs}. Saab was eliminated on a board of {4-Hearts} {9-Clubs} {10-Clubs} {7-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds}.

"Off my table!" Marcus roared at Saab. "Walk away! On your bike. You want to raise me every time." Marcus would have had a few more things to say, but TD Danny McDonagh told him that was enough.

Saab wished Marcus good luck in the rest of the tournament. Marcus spat back, "I don't need luck." In light of his runner-runner quads, the assembled gallery would probably beg to differ.

As a result of those two hands, Marcus is now the chip leader of the tournament with roughly 150,000 in chips.

Tags: David SaabVan Marcus