David Steicke relieved Kofi Farkye of 100,000 chips in two hands
Kofi Farkye's head is probably spinning. After doubling up David Steicke on an earlier hand with against on a ten-high board (the money went in preflop), Farkye and Steicke were at it again. An early-position player opened the pot for 3,600. Farkye called in the cutoff before Steicke raised to 13,600 from the button. His raise folded the early-position player but brought an all-in reraise from Farkye of 48,000.
Steicke, with about 81,000 behind his initial reraise, went deep into the tank. After what seemed like an eternity, he made the call and tabled . He was ahead of Farkye's and stayed that way on a board of .
As a result of this hand and their earlier confrontation, Farkye is out and Steicke has about 165,000 chips.