Diwei Huang has doubled up at the expense of Javed Abrahams. After Keith Wintermans had opened with a raise to 11,000, Abrahams popped it up to 27,000 from the cutoff. Huang then shoved all in over the top for an additional 29,500 from the button. Wintermans folded, but Abrahams made the pot-committed call.
Abrahams was happy enough to find himself in a race but the board of didn't pair him up as Huang more than doubled up to 130,000, with Abrahams falling to 275,000.
Eugene Borukhov
Mudasser Khan opened with a raise to 15,000 from middle position before Tyler Cornell shoved all in from the small blind for 52,500 in total. The action was then with Eugene Borukhov in the big blind, who made the call. Khan stepped aside as the two players revealed their cards.
The board fell to give Borukhov the pot and end the day for Cornell.
Carter Gill during Day 2
Carter Gill limped in from early position. Action folded around to George Vassilopoulos, who declined his option to raise and went to the flop. It came down . Vassilopoulos checked, then raised all in to 40,000 after Gill bet 10,000.
Gill and Vassilopoulos started talking with each other, with Gill probing for information. Vassilopoulos reminded Gill that it was a limped pot, and that he could have anything -- pocket fives, pocket threes, two pair, air, anything. This went on for a few minutes, with Gill agonizing over his decision. Finally he said that he was pretty sure Vassilopoulos had two pair but he was calling anyway.
Gill's hand was in the lead, and he put a mortal lock on the hand by turning the for a set of aces. Vassilopoulos made two pair with the river but by then it was too late for him. He's out.
Michael Doodson
Taneli Tiikkaja raised it up from the cutoff to 12,000 before Michael Doodson shoved all in for his last 27,000 from the small blind. Tiikkaja made the call.
The flop landed an incredible to give Tiikkaja trips to the shock of Doodson who exclaimed, "Are you serious?"
The turn was the and river the to end the tournament for Doodson in unfortunate circumstances.
Phil Lau Eliminated
Phil Lau was all in for his tournament life holding and was happy enough to find himself in a race situation against Taneli Tiikkaja's pocket nines.
However the board of gave Lau no assistance and he was sent to the rail.
James Bunner opened with a raise to 11,000 from early position before Javed Abrahams raised it up enough to put Bunner all in. He made the call with but was in trouble as Abrahams tabled .
The board ran out to eliminate Bunner in 30th place for $8,104.
Two hands in a row, Carter Gill has opened for 10,000 chips. Two hands in a row, Quinn Do reraised all in behind him. Two hands in a row, Gill folded to Do's reraise. Do now has 90,000 chips, while Gill has slipped down to 205,000.