Emad Tahtouh and Joe Hachem
We are now an hour and a half into the day, and over 70 players have been eliminated. The fast pace has been the subject of discussion around the tables.
"Welcome to the action table!" Joe Hachem told Emad Tahtouh after Tahtouh was broken to Hachem's table.
"We knocked out seven players over there," responded Tahtouh.
"We've only knocked out two players, but there's an all-in every hand."
A floor supervisor announced over the P.A. system at that exact moment that a full one-third of the field had already been eliminated in the first 90 minutes, calling players in today's field "action players."
"This is Asia, Danny," Hachem said to the floor. "Nothing slows down."
Tahtouh jokingly added, "They realize that they're not going to make the money until tomorrow, so they're trying to make it today."
135 players currently remain in the field. 56 will make the money.
Men "The Master" Nguyen may be giving lessons at his table, but even he can't always make pocket cowboys hold up. An opponent moved all in for about 10,000 from middle position with . Nguyen made the call with . Nguyen made a set of kings on a flop of , but his opponent's gutshot Broadway draw got there when the turn and river were the and . Nguyen still have 57,000 chips.
Carter Gill on Day 1
Carter Gill must have figured nobody else at the table was rooting for him. Certainly not his opponent in the small blind, who was all in with against Gill's .
"Good luck, me!" Gill said as the dealer prepared to burn and turn. "Keep 'em low." The dealer did not honor his request, dealing instead a board of . The pot went to Gill's opponent, but he still retains 56,000 chips.
Charles Chua
Charles Chua raised preflop to 3,000 and was popped up to 8,500 by the big blind. He called to a flop of . With 17,000 already in the middle, the big blind made a half-pot bet of 8,000. Chua called.
When the turn fell , the big blind quickly checked. Chua made it 34,000 to go and flashed the after the big blind folded. WIth that pot, Chua has crested the 100,000-chip mark to 108,000.
Just before the break J Choi emerged from the pack to build a massive stack as he eliminated another opponent.
On a flop of Choi held for two pair and got his opponent to commit all of his chips with . The fell on the turn and on the river to give Choi a huge pot as he heads to the break as our new chip leader with around 250,000 chips.
Interestingly our two tournament chip leaders, Choi and Andre Wagner are sitting next to each other on the same table!
We didn't see the hand, but Van Nguyen stood up and made a throat-slashing motion to one of our reporters before exiting the tournament area. She's out.
David Steicke relieved Kofi Farkye of 100,000 chips in two hands
Kofi Farkye's head is probably spinning. After doubling up David Steicke on an earlier hand with against on a ten-high board (the money went in preflop), Farkye and Steicke were at it again. An early-position player opened the pot for 3,600. Farkye called in the cutoff before Steicke raised to 13,600 from the button. His raise folded the early-position player but brought an all-in reraise from Farkye of 48,000.
Steicke, with about 81,000 behind his initial reraise, went deep into the tank. After what seemed like an eternity, he made the call and tabled . He was ahead of Farkye's and stayed that way on a board of .
As a result of this hand and their earlier confrontation, Farkye is out and Steicke has about 165,000 chips.