2017 888Live Poker Festival Sao Paulo

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2017 888Live Poker Festival Sao Paulo

Final Results
Haroldo Silva
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000

More Updated Counts

Level 20 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

A new chip leader has emerged from the feature table, Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal appears to be the new chip leader, but it will be a race to the finish line between him and Aziz to see who finishes on top. Or, perhaps a new challenger will emerge.

Player Chips Progress
Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal py
Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal
Junior Viana br
Junior Viana
Gustavo Monteiro br
Gustavo Monteiro
Guilherme Cazula br
Guilherme Cazula
Alexandre Roese br
Alexandre Roese
Leonardo Rizzo br
Leonardo Rizzo
Mauro Tabarin br
Mauro Tabarin
Leonardo Garcia br
Leonardo Garcia
Naresh Trivedi br
Naresh Trivedi
Patricia Alencar br
Patricia Alencar
Dayane Kotoviezy br
Dayane Kotoviezy

Tags: Daniel AzizOsvaldo Ruben Irrazabal Mais

The Ballade of Guilherme Cazula

Level 20 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante
Guilherme Cazula
Guilherme Cazula

Guilherme Cazula has been on a roller coaster ride of a day. He recently talked us over a couple hands that he played that had his chip stack bouncing up and down.

In the first hand, according to Cazula, Maria Aparecida De Alencar Oliveira, who goes by Cida, opened with a raise to 30,000 on the button. Cazula defended from the big blind. The flop came down {K-}{J-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and Cazula checked to Oliveira who bet 30,000 again. Cazul put in a three bet to 80,000 and Oliveira moved all in for right around 265,000. Cazula called and showed {K-}{J-} while Oliveira held on to {A-}{K-}. The turn was and {A-} and the river was a {5-} and that earned Oliveira the pot as she made a better two pair than Cazula.

He then mentioned that a few hands later he made a big call with {5-}{5-} on a nine-high board in a three-bet pot, and that got his chip stack back up to close to a million.

It's been a wild ride for Guilherme Cazula, but with 10 minutes to go, he just might make it to Day 3.

Player Chips Progress
Guilherme Cazula br
Guilherme Cazula
Cida Oliveira br
Cida Oliveira

Tags: Guilherme Cazula


Level 20 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

It looks like there is one more break before the end of the night. Players will return and play one more unscheduled level to close out the night.

Level: 21

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 2,000

Aziz Retakes the Lead

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Daniel Aziz
Daniel Aziz

After a raise from Naresh Trivedi in late position, Daniel Aziz reraised from the blinds, making it 100,000. Action was back on Trivedi and he moved all in for roughly 450,000. Aziz called after some thought.

Trivedi: {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}
Aziz: {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The board rolled out {K-Clubs}{9-Spades}{9-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{6-Hearts} keeping Aziz in the lead the whole way. He took down the big pot with his pair of tens and that allowed him to retake the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Aziz br
Daniel Aziz
Naresh Trivedi br
Naresh Trivedi

Tags: Daniel AzizNaresh Trivedi

Rizzo Finds the Fold; Ary Nogueira Earns a Double

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Leonardo Rizzo opened the action with a raise to 40,000. Alexandre Roese called the raise. On the button, Cida Oliveira moved all in for roughly 350,000. Action folded to the big blind who moved all in over the top for 405,000 total. Rizzo tanked for a long time before he announced a fold but held onto his card. Roese folded as well, then Rizzo showed that he had folded {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}.

He was excited to see Oliveira turn up {J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} while Nogueira turned over {K-Hearts}{K-Spades}. Rizzo jumped out of his seat and began cheering about his correct fold.

The board rolled out {7-Spades}{2-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{8-Spades}{6-Hearts} and that kept Nogueira in the lead the whole way, earning him the very important double up late in the day.

Player Chips Progress
Ary Nogueira br
Ary Nogueira
Leonardo Rizzo br
Leonardo Rizzo
Cida Oliveira br
Cida Oliveira

Tags: Alexandre RoeseCida OliveiraLeonardo Rizzo

Cazula Flushes Rizzo

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Leonardo Rizzo opened with a raise to 32,000 from middle position. Guilherme Cazula defended from the big blind.

Both players checked on the {Q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{3-Clubs} flop to see the {5-Spades} on the turn. There, Cazula led out with a bet of 50,000 which Rizzo called.

The river was the {A-Clubs} and Cazula checked over to Rizzo who put out a bet of 125,000. Cazula thought for a minute then raised, making it 325,000. Rizzo instantly called and showed {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} for two pair, but it was no good as Cazula had made a flush on the river with his {Q-Clubs}{8-Clubs}. That earned him the big pot and allowed him to chip up to just under 1,500,000.

Player Chips Progress
Guilherme Cazula br
Guilherme Cazula
Leonardo Rizzo br
Leonardo Rizzo

Tags: Guilherme CazulaLeonardo Rizzo

Notable End of Day Chip Counts

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Guilherme Cazula br
Guilherme Cazula
Daniel Aziz br
Daniel Aziz
Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal py
Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal
Patricia Alencar br
Patricia Alencar
Sandro Santos br
Sandro Santos
Leonardo Rizzo br
Leonardo Rizzo
Ary Nogueira br
Ary Nogueira
Junior Viana br
Junior Viana
Mauro Tabarin br
Mauro Tabarin
Fernando Garcia es
Fernando Garcia
Gustavo Monteiro br
Gustavo Monteiro
Alexandre Roese br
Alexandre Roese
Dayane Kotoviezy br
Dayane Kotoviezy

Guilherme Cazula Leads Final 27 of 888Live São Paulo Main Event

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Guilherme Cazula leads the way after 21 levels
Guilherme Cazula leads the way after 21 levels

Only 27 players remain in the 888Live São Paulo Main Event and after 10 scheduled levels of play, as well as one unscheduled one, it’s 18-year-old Guilherme Cazula who leads the way. Cazula was able to bag up 1,706,000 chips to bring into the final day of play which begins tomorrow, Monday at 2 p.m. local time.

Many heroes fell today short of the money. It was a list of big name pros that were felted well before the money bubble as even popped. Bruno Politano went out flush over flush, Tiffany Michelle was two outered on the river, Leo Margets fell at the feature table and they weren’t the only ones. One of the biggest to fall was Felipe Ramos. Ramos four-bet shoved with ace-queen off and he was called by Gustavo Monteiro’s ace-king off. He couldn’t catch up and Monteiro made a straight to leave Ramos with less than one big blind. He was eliminated shortly after that.

Kara Scott was one of the only 888Ambasadors to make it into the money. She was eliminated at the feature table after dinner break and will not be making it on to Day 3. Unfortunately for Scott she was too late to join the Ladies Event which kicked off today and brought out 45 players. With a $13,000 WSOPE package offered for the winner the tournament saw big names such as Leo Margets, Tiffany Michelle, and Sofia Lövgren all hop in, although none of them made it to the final table. The ladies event is planned to finish tonight as well and we will post a full results list tomorrow along with the name of the winner who will be flying out to World Series of Poker Europe.

Of the players remaining, three men tangled back and forth with the chip lead. Guilherme Cazula, Daniel Aziz, and Osvaldo Ruben Irrazabal. Irazzabal was at the feature table for most of the day and we were unable to catch much of his action and stack building. Aziz, however, was very active throughout the day, and on multiple occasions took massive pots down to vault himself from the middle of the pack to the chip lead. Cazula also had a roller coaster of a day. On one of the last hands of the night, he was able to take a big pot from Leonardo Rizzo when he made a flush against Rizzo’s two pair. Cazula, Aziz, and Irazzabal finished 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in chips, in that order.

Day 3 action will begin in level 22 at 2 p.m. and the plan is to play down all the way to a winner. Currently, all the players remaining are guaranteed R$6,300 but of course they are all aiming for the R$200,000 first place prize. We’ll be back Monday to wrap up the coverage of the 888Live São Paulo Main Event.

Tags: 888LiveBruno PolitanoDaniel AzizFelipe RamosGuilherme CazulaGustavo MonteiroKara ScottLeo MargetsLeonardo RizzoTiffany Michelle

Main Event

Day 2 Completed