2016 888Live Poker Festival London

£220 Opening Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2016 888Live Poker Festival London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Level: 26

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000

Ivanov Overtakes Dedusha

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

James Mitchell made it 120,000 to play from the cut-off. Artan Deusha called in the big blind, but Svetlin Ivanov made it 520,000 from the big blind. Only Dedusha called.

The flop of {A-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} saw Ivanov lead for 800,000. Dedusha reluctantly let it go, and was shown {6-Spades}{5-Hearts}.

A quick chorus of 'Nice hand, nice bet' and we were onto the next hand with the chip lead having swapped place between the two players.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Svetlin Ivanov
Svetlin Ivanov
Profile photo of Artan Dedusha gb
Artan Dedusha

Michael Benson Eliminated in 9th Place (£2,000)

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Michael Benson moved all-in for 770,000 with {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and was called by Michael Harb in the next seat with {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}.

There was little chance for Benson from the flop, as the board ran out {10-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{J-Spades} and he departed with £2,000 and a ticket for the 888Poker London Live Main Event later in the week. A decent weekend's work!

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Harb
Michael Harb
Profile photo of Michael Benson
Michael Benson

Final Table Chip Counts

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Final Table Opening Event, photo courtesy of 888Poker's William Powell

We've reached the final table, with our nine players lining up as follows:

Seat 1James Mitchell1,545,000
Seat 2Artan Dedusha4,950,000
Seat 3Vitalli Seman1,230,000
Seat 4Svetlin Ivanov4,450,000
Seat 5Longbo Mi575,000
Seat 6Neil Barron2,040,000
Seat 7Michael Benson770,000
Seat 8Jose Luis Lopez1,060,000
Seat 9Michael Harb1,195,000

Three Bust in One Hand to Create Final Table!

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Graham Hawkes
Graham Hawkes

A four-way all-in madhouse erupted on the second table as we lost three players and one went into a massive chip lead in the tournament.

First, Arron Fletcher shoved his eight big blind stack into the middle and was called by Artan Dedusha in the cut-off after a long think and then Paul Whyman on the button, who only had four big blinds. When it came to Graham Hawkes (pictured) in the big blind, he sensationally moved all-in for 1.6m, and Artan Dedusha called it off!

Arron Fletcher: {A-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}
Paul Whyman: {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}
Graham Hawkes: {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}
Artan Dedusha: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

The board of {J-Hearts}{10-Spades}{4-Spades}{7-Clubs}{10-Clubs} kept Dedusha in front the whole way and he leaps to chip leader with a stack of 4.95 million chips. Paul Whyman busted in 12th place for £1,890, Arron Fletcher in 11th for the same and Graha Hawkes in 10th for the same amount too.

We have our final table!

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Artan Dedusha gb
Artan Dedusha
Profile photo of Arron Fletcher gb
Arron Fletcher
Profile photo of Graham Hawkes
Graham Hawkes
Profile photo of Paul Whyman
Paul Whyman

Level: 25

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 10,000

Mihai Pop Eliminated in 13th Place (£1,515)

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Mihai Pop on the brink of elimination
Mihai Pop on the brink of elimination

Mihai Pop has been eliminated in 13th place, after shoving {K-Spades}{J-Spades} and being called by {K-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}

He was unable to catch up and crashes out of the 888Poker London Live Festival opening event. But there is also an all-in and a call at the other table...followed by another all-in...!

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mihai Pop
Mihai Pop

Mitchell Gets It All Back

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
James Mitchell
James Mitchell

James Mitchell and Arron Fletcher have clashed again, and this time, Mitchell came out on top in what was an odd hand.

With 1.2m at the start of the hand, Fletcher called a min-raise to see a flop of {A-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} with his hand of {J-Clubs}{10-Clubs} . On the turn of {Q-Spades} he bet half of his remaining stack, and James Mitchell moved all-in. Fletcher called and Mitchell had {K-Hearts}{4-Hearts}. He had to miss a world of outs on the river, but he did so and moved up to around 1.6m after the hand. Fetcher is now very short-stacked with around eight big blinds.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of James Mitchell gb
James Mitchell
Profile photo of Arron Fletcher gb
Arron Fletcher

Harb Days Night as Watts and Singh Eliminated in 14th & 15th Place

Level 24 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Watts before Michael Harb ended his tournament.
Watts before Michael Harb ended his tournament.

Michael Harb is on a rush as he's eliminated Steve Watts just moments after Money Singh left us in 15th place.

First, Harb moved all-in with {A-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Watts called it off with {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds} . Harb flopped a seven and held. Watts was left crippled stack-wise, losing that 1.3m-chip pot, and got his last in with {J-Spades}{10-Spades} against Harb's {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades} .

The flop of {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{3-Hearts} put Watts ahead, the turn of {7-Clubs} kept him there, but the {10-Clubs} on the river gave Watts two-pair but Harb the gut-shot straight.

Harb has 1.5 million, both Watts and Singh will wait to get their revenge in other tournament going on this week as the London Live Festival continues for another eight days of action!

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Harb
Michael Harb
Profile photo of Money Singh
Money Singh
Profile photo of Steve Watts gb
Steve Watts

Level: 24

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000