The Weekly PokerNews Strategy Quiz: Making the Wrong Move at the Right Time

10-17-2015 75521 responses Top results

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the great poker film The Cincinnati Kid, a milestone we remarked on here at PokerNews in “Hand Histories: 50 Years of Debate Over the Last Hand of ‘The Cincinnati Kid.’

Those who have seen the film well remember the ending featuring a wild five-card stud hand between “the Kid” and “the Man” after which the latter makes the comment quoted from above. After being criticized for how he had raised early in the hand with nothing but a weak draw when his opponent had a pair showing, the Man doesn’t defend his play. Rather, he gets philosophical.

“Gets down to what it’s all about, doesn’t it?” he says. “Making the wrong move at the right time.”

As we all know, sometimes in poker players do make the wrong moves and still win, or the right moves and still lose. But the goal is to make more right moves than wrong ones, and in order to do that we keep studying strategy.

To that end, here’s another installment of “The Weekly PokerNews Strategy Quiz,” presenting 10 multiple-choice questions culled from articles appearing in the Strategy section over the past week here at PokerNews.

Getting seven or more of these correct will earn you a passing grade, and if you ever make a wrong move you’ll see an explanation afterwards regarding the correct choice. Know as well that you can always look back through the week’s Strategy articles if you need any hints regarding what the right move is.

Got it? Good. Time now to make your move...

Start Quiz

Question 1

The article “What Does it Mean When a Player Voluntarily Shows a Hand?” by Robert Woolley discusses the "voluntary show" when a player shows cards without having to. Which of the following is an example of a “voluntary show”?

Question 2

In response to that question “What Does it Mean When a Player Voluntarily Shows a Hand?” Robert Woolley says sometimes players show their hands unnecessarily not to deceive, but to establish a *true* image of how they play. Which of the following is *not* a reason why a player would do that?

Question 3

In “How to Stay Focused in Poker When You are Struggling,” Nathan Williams discusses how variance necessarily affects results. “Variance” is a term that refers to...

Question 4

In this week’s WSOP coverage, November Niner Max Steinberg noted how the Main Event allows you to “pick your spots” primarily because...

Question 5

2015 WCOOP Main Event champion “Coenaldinho7” shared his thoughts with us about some hands from his big win, including one in which he folded pocket jacks on the turn in a three-way hand when the board was 10-high. When two players went all in on the turn before him, “Coenaldinho7” chose to give up his...

Question 6

In a new “Road to the 2016 WSOP” update, Matthew Pitt describes playing a hand in which he was all in on a Ad-Kc-Td flop with Ac-Tc versus an opponent’s As-Jd, but the 7d turn and 5d river gave his opponent…

Question 7

In the last hand of “The Cincinnati Kid,” the game is five-card stud. Eric (the Kid) has made a full house, and can see Lancey (the Man) has 8d-Qd-10d-9d showing alongside his one down card. Trying to guess what the Man has in the hole, how many cards would give him a better hand than the Kid’s?

Question 8

This week Mo Nuwwarah explained “The Importance of Limping Big Hands from the Small Blind,” referring to a situation when the SB is dealt a strong hand and...

Question 9

In seven-card hi-low with a declare -- or any split-pot games, for that matter -- you should favor playing hands with a potential to...

Question 10

In open-face Chinese poker, why would it be preferable to play trip nines (top), trip aces (middle), and a straight (bottom) vs. eight-high (top), flush (middle), and a full house (bottom)?