The Weekly PokerNews Quiz: Guessing Games

01-21-2017 37661 responses Top results

For poker players who venture beyond just no-limit hold'em, the popular "8-game mix" is a great option for testing out new poker variants. Especially for those who play online poker, 8-game cash games and tournaments are available any time, around the clock.

The 8-game mix features a rotation of 2-7 triple draw, limit hold'em, Omaha hi-lo, razz, seven-card stud, seven-card stud hi-lo, pot-limit Omaha, and no-limit hold'em.

For today's installment of The Weekly PokerNews Quiz, answer these eight multiple choice questions testing your knowledge of the games included in the 8-game mix. Hint: each of the games is the correct answer exactly once.

When you're done, look at the "Top results" to see how you did compared to others, and if you're signed into your PokerNews account, you'll see your username on the leaderboard. No account? Click here get one.

Start Quiz

Question 1

In which game does the player with the lowest exposed card pay the “bring-in”?

Question 2

In which of the following games must you always use two of your hole cards along with three community cards to make a five-card poker hand?

Question 3

Which of the following is not a “flop game"?

Question 4

In which game is 7-5-4-3-2 the best possible hand?

Question 5

In which fixed-limit betting game do the bets double on fourth street?

Question 6

Which of the following games does not involve antes?

Question 7

In which game do neither flushes nor straights count?

Question 8

In which game are players described as opening the action with a raise of “2.5x” or “3x” (or the like)?