The Weekly PokerNews Quiz: Everything’s Coming Up Aces

12-17-2016 41081 responses Top results

We all know pocket aces are the best starting hand in hold'em. Sure, a pair of aces can get us into trouble sometimes, but it's never a bad thing knowing you're out in front when the action begins.

For this week's installment of "The Weekly PokerNews Quiz" we're asking eight multiple-choice questions about AxAx. Get six right and pass the quiz, and when you're done check "Top results" to find out if you — like pocket aces — rank at the top of the list.

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Start Quiz

Question 1

What is the probability of being dealt pocket aces?

Question 2

If you are all in with pocket aces versus another pocket pair, you are __________ favorite to win.

Question 3

You’re all in with Ah-Ks but unfortunately your opponent has As-Ad. You’re drawing thin with just about a __________ chance of sucking out.

Question 4

Say you jam all in with Jh-Th and get called by a player holding Ac-As. What percentage chance do you have to draw out and win?

Question 5

You have As-Ac and your opponent Jh-Th. The flop comes Qh-9h-Tc and the two of you get all your chips in. You have the current best hand. Who has the best percentage chance of winning?

Question 6

You have As-Ac and your opponent Jh-Tc. The flop comes Ts-9h-8d and the two of you get all your chips in. You have the current best hand. Who has the best percentage chance of winning?

Question 7

You have Ad-As and are in the good spot against an opponent who is all in with a lesser pocket pair. What is the chance your opponent flops a set?

Question 8

You have Ad-As and have reached the river. On which of these boards can you be certain you hold the best possible hand?