Hold'em with Holloway, Vol. 129: Even Chris Moneymaker Gets Tilted After Bad Beats

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Have you heard about Moneymaker's Road to the PSPC 2020?
Last year, 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event champ Chris Moneymaker traveled the world for the Moneymaker Tour, awarding dozens of Platinum Passes along the way. Well, he's at it again, and while this time his tour has been branded a little differently each stop is once again awarding entries into the PokerStars Players No-Limit Hold'em Championship.
In December, I traveled to the Seminole Hard Rock in South Florida to live report one such stop for PokerNews. While there, I witnessed a wild hand involving the PokerStars ambassador from Day 1a played over at the Seminole Coconut Creek property.
The Hand
It took place in Level 8 (400/800/800) when Moneymaker limped under the gun and Tom Gity raised to 4,000 from the hijack. Action folded back to Moneymaker and he paused for a few beats.
"You can't win if you fold," he said before putting in a call.
When the flop came down 7♥J♠5♣, Moneymaker checked and Gity continued for 7,000. Moneymaker wasted little time check-raising all in for around 30,000 and Gity hit the tank.
"I guess I'll try some of your luck," Gity said before calling off for 27,200 total.
Tom Gity: A♠Q♠
Chris Moneymaker: 10♦10♣
Moneymaker was ahead but Gity went with his two overs. The 8♠ turn gave Gity a spade flush draw and unfortunately for Moneymaker it came in when the 9♠ spiked on the river.
"Sorry, buddy," Gity offered.
"I've still got a little life left in me," Moneymaker said with a smile as he counted out the chips. He was left with 3,000 after the hand — not quite four big blinds.

Moneymaker Q&A
To his credit, Moneymaker kept his composure and set about rebuilding. In fact, he wound up bagging the chip lead after a late heater. Afterward, I got the chance to talk to the Poker Hall of Famer about the hand.
PokerNews: What inspired you to just limp UTG with pocket tens instead of raising?
"I vary my play a lot based on table dynamics and opponents."
Moneymaker: I vary my play a lot based on table dynamics and opponents. Limping into a pot is generally not part of my strategy, but I chose this alternate line based on the fact that many of my opponents were limping in and players were isolating with marginal holdings often when people limped.
I had intended on reraising preflop to several of the players and flatting to two others (the tighter two). The hijack made it 4,000 and was one of the ones I had planned on reraising. However his sizing narrowed my range on him to A-J+, K-Q, and 9-9+, so I changed plans and decided to call pre and see a flop.
Why did you play the flop in the way you did? Had you intended to check-jam on a small flop? The jack didn't scare you?
Flop play I try to stay pretty balanced. On the flop with that size raise preflop I would check my entire range. If the jack was a nine or lower I would bet a larger portion of my range.
After facing a bet of 7,000 on the flop, I had a decision to make. This bet was good as I could see him making the bet with his entire assigned range. Based on the range I assigned him pre and the lack of combinations containing a jack, I felt like my hand was in a good spot and decided to go with it.
What do you make of Gity's calling off with just ace-queen?
"I'm human so I get tilted, but have learned to no let the tilt affect my personality or play."
There was 24,000 in the pot and he had to call off about 23,000 more. He is essentially getting 2-to-1. Based on that he would want to have at least 33% equity in the hand to call.
My most likely holding is some form of jack, most likely J-10, J-Q, J-K, or J-A. This gives him six outs (12%) or three outs (6%). Other combinations include sets and two pairs as well as straight draws. Based on my logical range and his holding, I think the call was ambitious.
Do you often have players call off light like this just because they get to do so against Chris Moneymaker? If so how do you deal with it? Do you ever get tilted from it?
People call off light versus me a lot based on who I am and also my aggressive playing style. I deal with it by generally trying to have it more often. I'm human so I get tilted, but have learned to not let the tilt affect my personality or play.
You were left short after the hand. However you not only survived but went on to bag the chip lead. How did you do it? What do you tell yourself when you find yourself in a spot like that?
I won my next two flips and got my stack back to a good position. When in a spot like that I just try to look at it as a game and I still am playing. Just because your short doesn't mean you're out. Just keep playing the game and know your push and call ranges which is the easiest part of the game to learn.
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