CardRunners Instructor Scott Augustine Reviews Hands from $1,000NL

1 min read

CardRunners instructor Scott "iRock" Augustine is a high-stakes online poker cash-game regular who is lauded for his sense of game flow and ability to stay one step ahead of his opponents.

In this teaser video, Augustine reviews a few hand histories from his $1,000NL ($5/$10 blinds) play. To improve the integrity of the hand replay, Augustine edits out the screen names of his opponents so that viewers will not have an unfair advantage of the players and also to prevent any preconceived notions. During his tutorial, he gives detailed explanations about hand reading, lines, board texture, and more.

To see the rest of this video series or for more training videos, head over to and take advantage of a seven-day free trial.

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Kristy Arnett

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