Grab Your $1,688 Natural8 Bonus in Time for the $10M Gtd GG Series

Matthew Pitt
Senior Editor
2 min read

Now is perfect time to join Naturall8 if you have been sat on the fence pondering doing so. Why? Because you can get your hands on a $1,688 welcome bonus that has no expiry date, perfect for boosting your bankroll for the $10 million Good Game Series.

The welcome bonus at Natural8 is special thanks to its sheer size and the fact you have as long as you need to clear the full amount. Any PokerNews reader who downloads Natural8 via our links and makes a deposit into their account receives a bonus 100 percent the size of the deposit up to a maximum of $1,688.

This bonus is released into your account balance in $10 chunks each time you generate $50 in rake or tournament fees. Perhaps the best feature is you are not forced to clear the bonus before a deadline. The bonus remains active until you have either cleared the full amount, or make a withdrawal from your Natural8 account.

You will also gain entry to a special freeroll when you make your first deposit at Natural8. The Weekly First Depositors Freeroll has a $500 prize pool and takes place every Sunday at 9:00 p.m. (UTC+8). Winning this would give your bankroll a nice boost.

Getting your hands on $1,688 now would be ideal because the $10 million guaranteed GG Series is in full swing. The first edition of the Good Game Series had $3.5 million guaranteed but the network has put its neck on the line and almost tripled the size of the combined guarantees.

The Good Game Series takes place from May 12-26, features 157 events that have guarantees weighing in at $10 million. Buy-ins range from $10 up to $10,000 with the showpiece event being a multi-day GGS Championship that costs $250 to enter and has a $500,000 guaranteed prize pool.

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Matthew Pitt
Senior Editor

Matthew Pitt hails from Leeds, West Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom, and has worked in the poker industry since 2008, and worked for PokerNews since 2010. In September 2010, he became the editor of PokerNews. Matthew stepped away from live reporting duties in 2015, and now concentrates on his role of Senior Editor for the PokerNews.

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