Shaun Deeb Bets $100K He Can Reach 17% Body Fat By the 2024 WSOP

Fresh off his first World Series of Poker (WSOP) Circuit ring title, Shaun Deeb is betting that he can get in shape and lose a significant amount of body fat within just 14 months.
The five-time WSOP bracelet winner put $100,000 on himself reaching just 17% body fat by the start of the 2024 WSOP. He's betting against Bill Perkins, who is giving him 10:1 odds, meaning if Deeb wins, he'll receive $1 million.
Perkins is no stranger to prop bets, especially ones that encourage a friend to become healthier. He recently narrowly won a similar prop bet with Doug Polk, who wagered $200,000 that he could lose 50% of his body fat within a year. In February, his final DEXA (DXA) scan showed he was less than 2% short of victory and paid up.
Although he lost the bet, and a bunch of money, Polk became healthier throughout the process, so it wasn't a complete loss. Deeb will now attempt to beat Perkins, a wealthy hedge fund manager whose intentions in many of his prop bets are more about encouraging others to improve mentally and physically than him winning money.
I find it funny how few people realize how impossible even a healthy person it is to get to 10% bf let alone me im…
— shaun deeb (@shaundeeb)
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Deeb must reach 17% body fat by May 30, 2024 or lose, and it won't be easy. It's no secret to anyone who has followed his career that he's struggled with his weight more so than he has with putting together coherent sentences on social media.
According to Deeb's Wednesday tweet, he weighed in at 306 pounds and stands 5 feet 11 inches tall. This isn't a weight loss prop bet, however. Only his final body fat percentage will matter when the bet concludes next year.
The 2018 WSOP Player of the Year wrote on Twitter that he's in the processing of scheduling his first DEXA scan, a bone density test that also measures body fat and muscle mass. That will give him an idea of where he stands in terms of body fat percentage, and then he can begin coming up with a gameplan on how to collect that $1 million payout.
While many poker fans might think Deeb has no shot given his current weight issues, we're talking about a successful professional gambler here, so don't count him out. The New Yorker shared a brief video on Twitter of his first session at the gym on Wednesday, and said, "I'm coming for you, Bill."
Can Shaun Deeb Get Down to 17% Body Fat?
As is always the case whenever a prop bet is placed between two poker players, poker Twitter takes sides and makes predictions. Some are even ready to bet on the outcome.
"Congrats Shaun on deciding to get healthy and maybe make a million dollars @bp22your a good man I see what your doing here," @provemewrong23 tweeted.
"You can do this Shaun. Keep your mind strong, it's going to be hard; but you CAN do it," Ian Shirreffs advised.
There aren't too many stipulations to the bet it appears. Dillon Schuler (@AD_Schuler) gave some advice to Deeb, to which Perkins responded with some brief info about what is permitted.
One thing that could make some hesitant to bet on Deeb is his short history of exercise, which he brought up in a tweet.
@onlyfacts_tejas @DanSmithHolla Under let me know how much you want to bet you’ll have to post and I’ll take it
— shaun deeb (@shaundeeb)
Despite Deeb's inexperience in the gym, Dan Smith is willing to bet that Deeb will win the body fat loss prop bet. He's already seeking out wagers on Perkins collecting the $100,000.
Deeb has approximately 14 months to transform from an out-of-shape poker player to becoming a lean, mean gym rat. Don't count him out.