Preben Stokkan Wins PartyPoker MILLIONS Online Main Event ($391,731)

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Preben Stokkan

A dominant final table performance from Norway's Preben Stokkan saw him crowned PartyPoker MILLIONS Online Main Event champion, taking home $391,731 in prize money.

Finnish player Eelis Parssinen would have to settle for second place and $270,214, after the Finn came from start-of-day short stack to lead during heads-up play only to fall just short.

2022 PartyPoker MILLIONS Online Main Event Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPayout (USD)
1Preben StokkanUnited Kingdom$391,731
2Eelis ParssinenFinland$270,214
3Ole SchemionAustria$186,169
4Taco De GoedeMalta$122,164
5Alexandre RaymondCanada$84,186
6Yannick SchumacherAustria$65,365
7Lars KamphuesAustria$51,856
8Adrian MateosUnited Kingdom$41,408
9Jans ArendsAustria$32,972

Final Table Recap

Play at the final was deep-stacked with Stokkan holding a commanding lead. That lead would only grow after the elimination of Jans Arends in ninth place. Start-of-day short stack Eelis Parssinen would catch a lucky break with pocket nines, flopping a set to crack the pocket kings of Stokkan to stay alive.

Adrian Mateos was one of the more dangerous players still remaining, but he was next to go after Yannick Schumacher rivered a backdoor flush to better Mateos' pocket pair.

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An hour or so would pass without an elimination, with Stokkan's momentum stalled, but the Norwegian still held top spot in the chip counts. However he would add the chips of Lars Kamphues next to extend his lead further.

By now, Parssinen had navigated his way to second spot in the chip counts and closed the gap to Stokkan with the elimination of Schumacher. But perhaps sensing danger, Stokkan surged ahead once more, eliminating Alexandre Raymond and Taco De Goede and using his enormous stack to dictate proceedings at the table.

Parssinen and Ole Schemion were both aware of the ICM implications three-handed and would battle it out, but eventually Schemion was unlucky to bust in third. He shoved with jacks into the tens of Parssinen, only for Parssinen to flop another set to eliminate his opponent.

Eelis Pärssinen

Heads-Up Play

There were still close to 200 big blinds in play at the start of heads-up play, with the stacks practically level despite Stokkan's dominance over the course of the final table.

PlayerChip CountBig Blinds
Preben Stokkan406,989,129102
Eelis Parssinen356,010,37189

Parssinen had managed to move slightly ahead before the pivotal hand occurred. The Finn raised pre-flop with 86 and Stokkan defended his big blind with 75

The flop J75 gave Stokkan two pair and Parssinen an open-ended straight draw. Stokkan checked and Parssinen continued for around three-quarters pot. Stokkan check-raised and Parssinen called.

The turn 6 gave Parssinen a pair to go with his draw and Stokkan bet third pot. Parssinen called and Stokkan bet a similar amount on the Q river. Parssinen then shoved and Stokkan took only a few seconds to make the call and leave Parssinen with crumbs.

Parssinen would double, but Stokkan would close it out shortly thereafter to clinch victory along with $391,731 in prize money and a unique Party Ape NFT.

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Managing Editor

Based in the United Kingdom, Will started working for PokerNews as a freelance live reporter in 2015 and joined the full-time staff in 2019. He now works as Managing Editor. He graduated from the University of Kent in 2017 with a B.A. in German. He also holds an NCTJ Diploma in Sports Journalism.

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