Hands of the Week: Big Pots and Bad Beats in the GGPoker Spring Festival

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Sousa Scores Big Double Through Pärssinen

In Level 12 (1,800/3,600/450) of the 2021 GGPoker Spring Festival Super MILLION$$ ME-H: $10,300 NLH, $10M GTD, Rui "OlliOctavius" Sousa raised to 7,920 in the hijack and Eelis Pärssinen called out of the big blind. The Q♠6♠4♣ flop was checked by both and the A♠ followed on the turn. Pärssinen opted to check and Sousa made it 14,130 to go, only for Pärssinen to check-raise to 60,030 total.
Sousa came along for the ride to the 10♦ river on which Pärssinen used his time bank and jammed for 255,046 into a pot of 141,300. Sousa also activated his time bank and then called for 206,963 total!
Pärssinen rolled over 8♠8♦ for just a pair of eights and Sousa scored a big double with A♣A♥ for top set on a straight and flush board.
That hand helped propel Sousa to a 67th-place finish for $34,147.
A Big River for Baron

In the same tournament in Level 15: 3,500/7,000/850, Isaac Baron raised to 14,000 in middle position and Daniel Dvoress called one seat over. Action folded to Aliaksandr Hirs in the small blind, who three-bet shoved all in for 91,300.
Baron came over the top for 301,700, almost all of his remaining stack, Dvoress shoved, and Baron called it off for 26,758 more.
Aliaksandr Hirs: K♠K♦
Isaac Baron: A♠K♥
Daniel Dvoress: J♠J♦
The 7♥10♥Q♦ flop kept the kings of Hirs in the lead, while Baron was trailing Dvoress for the side pot. The 3♦ on the turn was a brick, but the A♥ on the river certainly not. Baron spiked one of his three outs, crippling Dvoress and eliminating Hirs in the process.
Burns Busts to Angelou-Konstas

In the GGPoker Spring Festival H-75: $25,500 Sunday 5 Million, it was Level 11 (1,750/3,500/450) in a min-raised pot to a flop of J♣10♣9♠.
Kahle Burns check-called for 4,500 against Ioannis Angelou-Konstas and the Q♣ turn was checked by both.
On the K♦ river, Burns check-raised from 20,240 to 47,155 and Angelou-Konstas moved all-in for 228,248.
Burns had 128,632 behind and called it off with A♦7♣ for a straight only to get shown the A♣9♣ for the nuts by the Greek.
Straight Flush versus Nut-Flush for Pärssinen

In the GGPoker Spring Festival H-72: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event, it was Level 17 (10,000/20,000/3,000) when Artur Martirosian raised to 44,000 from the button and Eelis Pärssinen defended his big blind.
The flop came 10♣9♣7♣, Pärssinen check-called the 39,270 continuation-bet of Martirosian.
The turn was the 6♣ and both players checked to the A♦ on the river.
Pärssinen checked again but Martirosian bet 174,000 for the Finn to shove for 773,650 and get called by Martirosian who held the A♣10♥ for the nut-flush but Pärssinen held the 9♠8♣ for the straight flush and the double.
Miracle Survival for Kolonias

In the Super MILLION$ ME-H: $10,300, $10M GTD it was Level 32 (70,000/140,000/17,500) when Stevan "Steve Austin" Chew opened for 280,000 in the hijack and was called by Julian Stuer on his left. 2019 WSOP Europe Main Event champ Alexandros Kolonias called off his last 24K in the big blind.
On the 8♣4♣3♠, Chew check-called 252,000. The turn was a 7♠ and Chew checked again. Stuer bet big this time with 939,702. Chew again peeled, bringing an 8♦. Stuer fired a final shell worth 2,126,993 into the side pot, and Chew quickly folded.
Kolonias likely figured he had zero shot of survival as he showed J♠2♥ but his hand was, amazingly good. Stuer held 10♥9♥ and scooped the larger side pot with his bluff.
Kolonias went on to finish in 12th place for $105,155.
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