Michael Zhang Ships the partypoker MILLIONS Online High Roller Turbo ($49,984)

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Chi Zhang partypoker MILLIONS Online

Four new winners were crowned on Sunday, Feb. 21 in the 2021 partypoker MILLIONS Online including Joel Nystedt, Breno Andrade, Michael Zhang (lead image), and Artsiom Prostak.

Meanwhile, the highlight of the festival in the $5 million guaranteed MILLIONS Online $5,300 Main Event also kicked off the first of its two opening days on Sunday with Daniel Dvoress in the lead, which you can read more about here in our dedicated Main Event recap.

Read on to learn more about these events and more in the MILLIONS Online at partypoker.

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Joel Nystedt Wins the MILLIONS Online #07 Opener ($91,232)

The MILLIONS Online #07 Opener featured a $1,100 buy-in along with a $500,000 guarantee. The event smashed its guarantee with 610 entrants joining in on the action during three opening flights to generate a $610,000 prize pool.

Day 2 began on Sunday, Feb. 21 with 91 hopefuls, each guaranteed at least a min-cash of $1,080 in addition to any bounties collected. It took slightly less than eight hours for Joel Nystedt to be crowned the winner to collect a total of $91,232 ($41,854 prize + $49,378 in bounties).

Joining Nystedt on the podium were Wietse Hasper (second - $48,699) and Matas Cikinas (third - $37,951) with Daniel Smiljkovic (fourth - $27,205), Jerry Odeen (fifth - $12,899), Leonard Maue (sixth $17,995), and Domen Bratoz (seventh - $18,332) also appearing at the final table.

Matas Cikinas
Matas Cikinas finishes in third place.

MILLIONS Online #07 Opener Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrizeBountiesTotal Prize
1Joel NystedtAustria$41,854$49,378$91,232
2Wietse HasperNetherlands$41,792$6,906$48,699
3Matas CikinasLithuania$28,386$9,565$37,951
4Daniel SmiljkovicAustria$18,830$8,375$27,205
5Jerry OdeenSweden$12,649$250$12,899
6Leonard Oliver MaueAustria$9,745$8,250$17,995
7Domen BratozSlovenia$6,904$11,428$18,332

Breno Andrade Wins the MILLIONS Online #07 Mini Opener ($25,194)

A mini-version of the Opener also wrapped up over the weekend. The event boasted a $109 buy-in along with a $200,000 guarantee. The event attracted a massive field of 2,515 entrants over the course of the three opening flights with 375 players advancing to Sunday's Day 2 where they were all guaranteed at least a min-cash of $111 in addition to any bounties collected.

Brazil's Breno Andrade shipped the bacon for $25,194 (14,894 prize + $10,300 in bounties) after slightly more than nine hours of play. Also at the final table but falling short of a victory were Christopher Anders Leopold Ekvall, Julien Marie De Meeus D'argenteuil, Julio Chia, Danny Noseworthy, Mary Pudmoreff, and Eduardo Dantes.

MILLIONS Online #07 Mini Opener Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrizeBountiesTotal Prize
1Breno AndradeBrazil$14,894$10,300$25,194
2Christopher Anders Leopold EkvallSweden$14,867$4,608$19,474
3Julien Marie De Meeus D'argenteuilBelgium$9,319$2,111$11,430
4Julio ChiaPeru$6,230$3,278$9,508
5Danny NoseworthyCanada$4,258$885$5,143
6Mary PudmoreffCanada$3,026$1,637$4,663
7Eduardo DantesBrazil$2,105$2,107$4,211

Michael Zhang Wins the MILLIONS Online #09 High Roller Turbo ($49,984)

The MILLIONS Online #09 High Roller Turbo was a fast paced event taking just 5 1/2 hours from start to finish. The event boasted a $100,000 guarantee but this was blown out of the water with 91 entrants ponying up the $2,100 buy-in to generate a $182,000 prize pool.

Chi Zhang, better known in the poker world as Michael Zhang, found his way in the winner's circle again against a star-studded final table to bank $49,984.

Dario Sammartino
Dario Sammartino finishes runner-up.

Dario Sammartino (second - $32,029) and David Peters (third - $21,848) joined Zhang finished just behind Zhang with partypoker Ambassador Patrick Leonard (fourth - $15,461) falling just short of a podium finish.

The bottom half of the final table also featured big names including Pavlo Kolinkovskyi (fifth - $11,376), Elio Fox (sixth - $8,874), and Alexandros Kolonias (seventh - $7,314).

Meanwhile, Artsiom Prostak won the mini-version of this event featuring a $215 buy-in for $9,124 after defeating a field of 238 entrants.

MILLIONS Online #09 High Roller Turbo Final Table Results

1Chi ZhangUnited Kingdom$49,984
2Guiseppe Dario SammartinoAustria$32,029
3David PetersCanada$21,858
4Patrick LeonardUnited Kingdom$15,461
5Pavlo KolinkovskyiUkraine$11,376
6Elio FoxMexico$8,874
7Alexandros KoloniasMalta$7,314

Join the Omaha Action Today!

The MILLIONS Online continues on Monday, Feb. 22 with two pot-limit Omaha events.

Both events kick off at 7:05 p.m. GMT (2:05 p.m. EST) with identical structures except for the buy-in and prize pool with the MILLIONS Online #10 Omaha featuring a $2,100 buy and a $150,000 guarantee while the MILLIONS Online #10 Mini Omaha showcases a $20,000 guarantee and a $215 buy-in.

Related: Are You Ready for the partypoker MILLIONS Online Omaha Schedule?

Don't be scared off by the big buy-ins as you still have plenty of time to qualify in for pennies on the dollar via feeder and satellite events.

The event is a two-day affair and boasts a structure provides plenty of action in both events with players starting off with 1 million in chips and blinds increasing slowly at every 20 minutes.

Players are allowed two re-entries during the 12-level late-registration window and the action for Day 1 will conclude when players are in the money.

After an overnight break, both tournaments will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 7:05 p.m. GMT (2:05 p.m. EST) for one final day of action.

Join the Love Party!

partypoker Love Party

Valentine's Day took place already more than a week ago but the love continues for two more weeks at partypoker thanks to its Love Party promotion for both new and existing players.

If you don't already have an account, simply download partypoker through PokerNews to take advantage of this promotion and get in on the epic MILLIONS Online action.

The first part of the promotion is simply completing a daily Love Party mission. The first step is to opt into the mission via the client's 'Promotions' section.

After that you will be presented an easy-to-complete mission such as winning a cash game hand with a suited big slick. You will be awarded a random prize after you complete the mission which could include a MILLIONS Online ticket worth $55!

This is not all as partypoker also giving you the chance to claim a mystery prize this week simply by making a deposit using the 'JOINPARTY' deposit code between now and Feb. 24. The prize could be a freeroll ticket, a SPINS ticket, or even $50 in cold, hard cash!

You can repeat the process again next week with the deposit code 'LOVEPARTY' to have a second chance at a mystery prize.

Head to partypoker today to not miss out on the free love before time runs out.

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Jason Glatzer

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