Introducing The PN Blog

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PN Blog

Over my 10-plus years working in the poker industry, one thing is clear: Folks who live and love poker are never at a loss for words or opinions. Seriously, just have a look at the poker Twitter community on a daily basis and you'll see a barrage of hot takes, interesting stories, debates and more flowing through people's timelines.

The problem, however, with a medium like Twitter is simply a lack of space for so many of these topics. We've got hundreds if not thousands of people who love poker all trying to get their voices heard within the scope of 140 characters. Despite the precedent our President Donald Trump has tried to set with his Twitter rants, most people simply need a platform where they can elaborate and provide the proper context to their story.

Sure, individuals can always start their own blog or host a show on YouTube or Twitch but in those scenarios, you still need to work really hard to make sure you've got people reading what you're putting out there. Building a site from scratch and building up an audience takes a lot of time and effort.

Here at PokerNews we wanted to eliminate some steps and make it easier to get your voice heard so we've just launched the PN Blog.

The PN Blog allows our community to have access to the same storytelling tools as our PokerNews editorial team has, and better yet, you're able to distribute your stories to the millions of poker fans around the world that are reading PokerNews on a regular basis.

Once a story gets submitted, the PokerNews editorial team gets alerted and we dive in to review the content for approval. If content is rejected for any reason, we'll send authors a note to let them know why along with some suggestions on what they can do to get their piece greenlighted for publication. Once published, stories will be seen on PokerNews in our PN Blog section, and in some cases, stories will even get featured in our Top Stories and Featured content section.

The PN Blog is a great way for the next aspiring poker writer to be found or for up-and-coming poker professionals to gain valuable exposure for themselves. Share your opinions on pressing issues in the industry, dissect a hand you recently played at a tournament or even give the PokerNews readers a glimpse into what you're doing when you're not playing at the tables.

You can learn more and get started right here.

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Matthew Parvis

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