Ivan Soshnikov Defeats Olivier Busquet to Win EPT Prague High Roller for €382,050

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Ivan Soshnikov

On Wednesday, the Season 10 European Poker Tour €10,000 High Roller saw the final 10 players of a 176-entry field return to play down to a winner. It took less than six levels for a champion to emerge, and that man was Ivan Soshnikov, who defeated Olivier Busquet heads-up to capture the €382,050 first-place prize.

1stIvan Soshnikov€382,050
2ndOlivier Busquet€257,850
3rdDmitry Yurasov€177,500
4thThomas Muhlocker€144,700
5thMike “Timex” McDonald€115,400
6thAndy Seth€88,650
7thVanessa Selbst€64,500
8thMax Heinzelmann€46,750
9thJeff Rossiter€38,650
10thOleksii Khoroshenin€32,800

Action recommenced Wednesday in Level 21 (10,000/20,000/3000), and right away it was a short-stacked Soshnikov who scored a double. He then played a huge hand that sent him on the way to victory.

It began when Soshnikov opened for 40,000 from the cutoff and received calls from Oleksii Khoroshenin and Busquet in the small and big blind, respectively. When the flop came down 1066, Khoroshenin led out for 60,000, Busquet folded, and Soshnikov called. After the dealer burned and turned the 9, Khoroshenin bet 75,000 and Soshnikov thought for a bit before dropping in a call. The K completed the board on the river and Khoroshenin bet once again, this time 90,000. Soshnikov woke up with a raise to 230,000 and Khoroshenin went into the tank for several minutes.

Eventually a clock was called and the floor began the countdown. After 30 seconds had passed, Khoroshenin announced that he was all in for 593,000 and Soshnikov snap-called off for 580,000 before tabling the 1010 for a flopped full house. Khoroshenin tried to muck but since it was an all-in situation the dealer exposed his hand, which was the 54. Just like that Soshnikov had chips while Khoroshenin would fall a short time later.

The final nine combined to one table, but it wasn't the official EPT final table until Jeff Rossiter fell in ninth place. After Max Heinzelmann exited in eighth, Team PokerStars Pro Vanessa Selbst followed him out the door in seventh place.

Ivan Soshnikov Defeats Olivier Busquet to Win EPT Prague High Roller for €382,050 101
Team PokerStars Pro Vanessa Selbst

It happened in Level 23 (15,000/30,000/4,000) when Busquet opened for 60,000 from the hijack and Selbst looked him up from the button. The blinds both folded and it was heads-up to the 4K2 flop. Busquet wasted little time in betting 75,000, Selbst called, and the 10 appeared on the turn. Busquet bet 100,000, and Selbst responded by moving all in for 265,000. Busquet snap-called and Selbst discovered the bad news.

Selbst: KJ
Busquet: AA

Selbst had flopped top pair, but she needed more help if she was going to crack Busquet's pocket rockets. The 10 river didn't do it and Selbst, who began her incredible year with a win in the PCA High Roller, was eliminated in seventh place for €64,500.

From there Andy Seth and Mike "Timex" McDonald hit the rail in sixth and fifth place respectively, and then current EPT10 Player of the Year points leader and EPT Barcelona High Roller champ Thomas Muhlocker joined them on the rail in fourth.

Ivan Soshnikov Defeats Olivier Busquet to Win EPT Prague High Roller for €382,050 102
Thomas Muhlocker

Muhlocker's exit happened in Level 24 (20,000/40,000/5,000) when Dmitry Yurasov and Muhlocker saw a flop of JQ3. Muhlocker checked from the big blind and Yurasov continued for 80,000. Muhlocker check-raised to 250,000 and Yurasov clicked it back with a three-bet to 500,000. Muhlocker thought for a moment before moving all in.

Yurasov checked his cards and made the call with the AQ. Unfortunately for Muhlocker, he was out-kicked holding the KQ. The 8 turn and 5 river meant that Muhlocker was done and had to settle for fourth place and €144,700.

Three-handed play was an extended affair, but eventually Soshnikov dispatched Yurasov in third place, giving him a huge chip lead over Busquet in heads-up play, which would end up lasting just two hands.

In the first hand, Busquet had the button and made it 125,000 to go. Soshnikov simply folded. In the next, Soshnikov had the button and made his usual minimum raise to 120,000. Busquet re-raised to 450,000 which was met by a quick all-in shove from Soshnikov. Busquet called with the 44 and was in dire straits against the 1010 of Soshnikov. The final board ran out K376J and the classy Busquet congratulated his opponent while shaking his hand.

Check out Sarah Grant's post-victory video featuring Soshnikov:

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