Jared Jaffee Wins World Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Fall Poker Scramble for $252,749

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Jared Jaffee

On Tuesday, Jared Jaffee proved that the third time is a charm. After having made two World Poker Tour final tables in the past — Season VIII Southern Poker Championship and Season IX Legends of Poker — Jaffee made the most of the third by topping a field of 358 players to win the WPT bestbet Jacksonville Fall Poker Scramble for $252,749.

Jaffee, who had over $1.1 million in career live tournament earnings prior to the win and $811,768 in online tournament earnings, according to PocketFives, began the final table with the chip lead, which was more than double his closest competitor, and he never faltered on his way to his largest career score.

1Jared Jaffee$252,749
2Blake Purvis$166,139
3Michael Horchoff$106,904
4Margo Costa$79,114
5Corrie Wunstel$59,335
6Johnny Price$47,468

According to the WPT live blog, the final table began in Level 26 with the blinds at 20,000/40,000/5,000, and it didn’t take long for the first elimination of the day to occur. It happened on Hand #7 when Johnny Price raised to 90,000 from the cutoff only to have Jaffee three-bet to 215,000 from the button. The blinds both folded, Price moved all in for 615,000, and Jaffee snap-called.

Jared Jaffee Wins World Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Fall Poker Scramble for 2,749 101
The World Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Fall Poker Scramble final table.

Price: 1010
Jaffee: AA

It was a bad spot for Price, and he would receive no reprieve as the board ran out 45K56. Price was eliminated in sixth place and took home $47,468 for his efforts.

On Hand #40, which took place in Level 27 (25,000/50,000/5,000), Michael Horchoff limped from the button and Corrie Wunstel moved all in for 1.095 million from the small blind. Jaffee called from the big blind, Horchoff folded, and the cards were turned up.

Wunstel: AJ
Jaffee: 99

It was a flip, and according to the PokerNews Odds Calculator, Jaffee was a 55.27% favorite while Wunstel would survive 44.35% of the time. The 344 flop was no help to Wunstel, and his chances dropped to 25.66% while Jaffee increased his lead to 74.34%. The 7 turn chopped Wunstel’s percentage in half to 13.64%, which mean he needed either an ace or jack on the river to stay alive. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t in the cards as the 9 came to land Jaffee with a full house. Wunstel took home $59,335 for his fifth-place finish.

On Hand #48 in Level 28 (30,000/60,000/10,000), Blake Purvis opened for 180,000 under the gun and Margo Costa, who was looking to become the first woman to win an open WPT event, called from the button. After the blinds folded, the flop came down Q43, and Purvis led out for 225,000. Costa responded by moving all in for 1.5 million. Purvis thought for a bit before making the call with the 77. Costa then revealed the K10 for a bluff. Neither the 2 turn nor A river helped Costa, and she had to settle for fourth place and the accompanying $79,114 payday.

Jared Jaffee Wins World Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Fall Poker Scramble for 2,749 102
Blake Purvis

Nine hands later, Purvis opened for 120,000 from the button and then called when Horchoff three-bet all in for 820,000.

Purvis: J8
Horchoff: K7

Horchoff was ahead and was primed to double when the Q64 flop missed Purvis. However, the dealer then burned and turned the J. Purvis paired his jack, and that left Horchoff in need of either a king or club on the river. The 8 wasn’t what he needed, and he was sent to the rail in third place for $106,904.

Jaffee and Purvis began heads-up play even in chips, and it’d take 41 hands to determine a winner. In the final hand, which was Hand #99 in Level 30 (50,000/100,000/15,000), Purvis raised to 250,000, Jaffee called, and the flop came down JJ6. Jaffee checked, Purvis bet 400,000, and Jaffee check-raised to 1.3 million. Purvis responded by moving all in for approximately 3.4 million and Jaffee snap-called.

Jaffee: 42
Purvis: AA

Purvis was well out in front with jacks and aces, but he had to dodge the flush draw of Jaffee. He did so on the 6 turn, but not the Q river. Jaffee made his flush to eliminated Purvis in second place — good for $166,139 — and etch his name on the WPT Champions' Cup.

Check out Jaffee’s post-victory interview:

While one WPT event is in the books, another — the WPT Caribbean — has just begun. PokerNews will be providing daily recaps from that event throughout the week.

Data, photos, and video courtesy of WorldPokerTour.com

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