‘durrrr Challenge’ Update: Swift Session Nets Dwan $36,000

Somewhere around the 3 a.m. hour, while chips were still clattering at the Rio and hundreds of thousands of dollars were being exchanged across the felt inside Bobby’s Room, Tom Dwan (a/k/a “durrrr”) and Patrik Antonius managed to squeeze in a 39-minute session of the “durrrr Challenge” on Full Tilt Poker. Everyone’s favorite high-stakes rivals logged 215 hands across four tables of $200/400 pot-limit Omaha, Dwan finishing $36,445 to the good in this particular session. Dwan still has a long way to go when it comes to digging out of the hole when it comes to the challenge, as Antonius is still up on him by $411,192 after 15,332 hands.
In an unusual occurrence for these two, not a single pot played in this session crossed the $100,000 mark. Though Antonius finished down for the session, he did rake in the largest pot of the night, at just over $88,000. Dwan opened for $1,200, Antonius three-bet to $3,600 and Dwan called. The flop came down 7♦5♥4♠ and they wasted little time getting their stacks in the middle. Antonius led out for $6,000, Dwan raised to $17,200, Antonius shoved for $40,566 and Dwan made the call. The Finn had flopped the stone nuts with 8♠7♣6♦5♠ for an eight-high straight while Dwan stacked off with two pair, fours and sevens, holding K♦10♠7♠4♦. The turn was the 8♣, the river was the 2♦ and Antonius raked in the $88,331 pot.
Dwan raised to $1,200 holding 10♥9♦5♦5♣, Antonius three-bet to $3,600 with 8♥7♠7♣6♥ and Dwan called. The flop was a draw-heavy J♠9♣6♣ and both players checked. The turn came the 5♥, making Dwan a set of fives and Antonius a nine-high straight. Antonius led out for $6,000 and Dwan flat-called. The river brought the Q♦ and Antonius checked it over to Dwan, who bet $15,600. With a higher straight possibility now on board, Antonius elected to just call. His hand was good, and the $50,400 pot sailed into his stack.
15,332 down… 34,668 hands to go. Keep it here on PokerNews for continuing updates as the challenge (slowly) unfolds.