John McCain Caught Playing Poker During U.S. Senate Committee Hearing on Syria

Rich Ryan
2 min read

On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was photographed playing poker on his iPhone during a U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing regarding possible military action in Syria. To the naked eye, you can see that Sen. McCain is at a five-handed hold'em table. When you blow up the photo (taken by Washington Post photographer Melina Mara), you can see that Sen. McCain had just limped in from under the gun with queen-deuce off suit.

John McCain Caught Playing Poker During U.S. Senate Committee Hearing on Syria 101

John McCain Caught Playing Poker During U.S. Senate Committee Hearing on Syria 102
Queen-deuce off? Really?

After the photo surfaced, Sen. McCain admitted to playing on his iPhone on Twitter:

Limping in from under the gun with queen-deuce off is going to lose you a lot of fake chips, Senator.

While it's unlikely that you have played poker on your phone during a Senate hearing, we would still like to know the following: Where's the craziest/funniest place you've been caught playing a hand of poker? Like Sen. McCain's, both mobile and online hands count.

Let us know in the comments below.

Photo courtesy of the Washington Post

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