2010 Aussie Millions

Event 8: $100,000 Challenge
Day: 2
Event Info

2010 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,200,000 AUD
Event Info
100,000 AUD
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Event 8: $100,000 Challenge

Day 2 Completed

Congratulations to Dan Shak; $100,000 Challenge Champion ($1,200,000 AUD)!

Champion Dan Shak
Champion Dan Shak
Dan Shak came into the final table second in chips behind Jonathan "xMONSTERxDONGx" Karamalikis. He didn't get too involved at the final table and picked his spots nicely. Two of his most important hands came against Karamalikis. First, Shak doubled through the youngster and then later sent him to the rail.

A little while later, Shak busted Tony G in 5th place when he out-raced the new Party Poker pro with {A-?} {K-?} against pocket tens.

When play got to heads up, Shak was behind Ivey, but not by a lot. He took over the chip led within a few hands and never looked back. Shak's strategy wasn't to out-play Ivey, but rather get the money in whenever he thought he was good. Using that strategy, Shak shoved on Ivey a few times and put in some big three-bets.

Shak did though come from behind in the final hand when he spiked a three-outer to take home the title. Shak took the mic after the tournament was over and made sure to graciously compliment Ivey and make sure that everyone knew, "I just got the better cards, he's the best player in the world hands down."

This is the biggest tittle of Shak's career and with it he takes home a whopping $1,200,000 AUD. Congratulations to all the finishers and especially to the champion Dan Shak!

Phil Ivey Eliminated in 2nd Place ($600,000 AUD)

Phil Ivey - 2nd Place
Phil Ivey - 2nd Place
Phil Ivey had the button and raised to 100,000. Dan Shak moved all in and Ivey quickly called off the rest of his chips.

Ivey: {A-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds}
Shak: {A-Clubs} {7-Clubs}

Ivey had Shak's hand dominated and was in prime position to double up and continue the match. He was all in for a little over 500,000.

The dealer burned and dealt the flop, spreading the {Q-Clubs} {7-Hearts} {5-Spades}. Shak went from worst to first, picking up a pair of sevens. Ivey was now the one needing help to win the hand.

The turn card was the {4-Diamonds}, not helping out Mr. Ivey. The final card on the board was the {4-Clubs} and tht was it, Ivey was eliminated in 2nd place, leaving Shak as the winner.

Ivey and Shak embraced with a hand shake and a big hug. Ivey exited the stage to a standing ovation and round of applause from the crowd. Everyone was reminded that with this finish, Ivey took over the lead on the all-time money list.


The players are back in their seats after a quick break and the cards are in the air. As action kicks up again, Phil Ivey holds 535,000 and Dan Shak has 1.905 million.

Level: 15

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 0

Shak Takes Big Lead

Stack them chips Mr. Shak
Stack them chips Mr. Shak
Phil Ivey raised from the button to 90,000 and Dan Shak made the call.

The flop came down {J-Spades} {10-Clubs} {5-Hearts} and Shak checked. Ivey bet 120,000 and Shak called.

The turn was the {8-Spades} and Shak checked over to Ivey again. Ivey bet a big 300,000 with three stacks of 20 T,5000 chips. Shak announced hat he was all in and Ivey snap-folded his hand.

Shak now has about 1.8 million to Ivey's 600,000.

Shak the First to Move All In

Dan Shak had the button and raised to 90,000. Phil Ivey made the call. The flop came down {Q-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {8-Spades} and Ivey checked. Shak bet 175,000 and Ivey called.

The turn card was the {4-Spades} and Ivey checked. Shak moved in and Ivey mucked his hand.

Shak's Pair is Better

Ivey going the wrong way
Ivey going the wrong way
Phil Ivey raised to 90,000 from the button again. Dan Shak made the call.

The flop came down {K-Clubs} {Q-Clubs} {8-Spades} and both players checked. The turn card was the {7-Hearts} and both players checked.

The river card completed the board with the {4-Spades} and Ivey bet 120,000 after Shak checked. Shak made the call.

Shak tabled {K-Hearts} {6-Diamonds} and Ivey held {Q-Spades} {J-Hearts}. Shak's pair of kings were best and he won the pot.
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