2009 PokerStars.com EPT London

£5,000 EPT London Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2009 PokerStars.com EPT London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

£5,000 EPT London Main Event

Day 5 Completed

Aaron Gustavson Wins the PokerStars.com EPT London (£850,000)

Wow, in what must be the fastest EPT heads up match since Jason Mercier beat Anthony Lellouche in two hands, we have ourselves a swift and non-nonsense winner.

The railers had barely settled themselves down after dinner when their entertainment was cut short owing to Peter Eastgate's total lack of chips, but there was excitement enough in the couple of post-dinner big hands to make this a heads-up to remember.

Young American Aaron Gustavson started the day as massive chip leader and never looked back. He played impeccably, and got it admirably quietly. Even in collecting his trophy he just smiled politely, and we approve of that sort of behaviour. Reigning world champion Peter Eastgate, though he's proved himself to be far from a one-hit wonder, will have to make do with second place for once, as this title belongs to Gustavson.

Many congratulations to all our finalists, and from PokerNews.com in London, it's over and out.

Tags: Aaron Gustavson

Peter Eastgate Eliminated In 2nd (£530,000)

Peter Eastgate - This Time The Bridesmaid...
Peter Eastgate - This Time The Bridesmaid...
Eastgate raises to 350,000 and Gustavson reraises to 900,000. Eastgate pushes and Gustavson instantly calls!

Eastgate: {A-Hearts} {9-Diamonds}
Gustavson: {A-Spades} {Q-Diamonds}

The board comes {3-Spades} {5-Diamonds} {6-Hearts} {K-Clubs} {J-Hearts} meaning Peter Eastgate, the reigning WSOP champion finishes as the runner-up.

Not a Good Start for Eastgate

...If you'll forgive the massive understatement.

Peter Eastgate raised the button and Aaron Gustavson called. They saw a flop.

Flop: {Q-Clubs} {5-Spades} {2-Spades}

Gustavson check-called 370,000 from Eastgate.

Turn: {K-Clubs}

Gustavson check-called 725,000 from Eastgate. We're spotting a pattern here.

River: {5-Hearts}

Gustavson checked again and Eastgate bet 1,135,000. This time, though, Gustavson thought about it for a while -- and then raised to 3.3 million.

Eastgate tanked up for some considerable time, an incredibly intense look on his face -- with around half his stack already invested in the pot, it was clearly a tough decision.

He folded. "Nice bluff," he laughed as he sat back in his chair.

Gustavson - 16,580,000
Eastgate - 5,360,000

Tags: Aaron GustavsonPeter Eastgate

Level: 31

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000

Nikolai Senninger Eliminated In 3rd Place (£285,000)

Red-y To Cashout...
Red-y To Cashout...
Nikolai Senninger raises to 275,000 and Aaron Gustavson reraises to 800,000 from the small blind. The German makes the call and the flop comes {3-Diamonds} {7-Hearts} {Q-Hearts}, Gustavson bets out 1,140,000 and Senninger makes the call.

There's now 4 million in the pot at this point as the {9-Clubs} comes on the turn, Gustavson calmly declares all-in and Senninger sits expressionless playing with his chips.

After 3 minutes he calls.

Senninger: {8-Hearts} {8-Clubs}
Gustavson: {Q-Diamonds} {10-Spades}

The river is the {10-Clubs} and we're now heads-up between Gustavson and Eastgate. The former has about a 2:1 chip lead.
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