David Zeitlin moves his last 600K in with and gets called by Jason Warner with . The flop is a meaningless but the turn brings a putting David ahead.
But since we all know the winner was crowned an hour ago, the river is a and Jason's pair of sixes takes down the bracelet.
Going for max value to get back in this heads-up, David slowplayed his pocket aces against Jason Warner's 7-6 off-suit, but as often happens when you go for the big slowplay, the board was 6-Q-10-6-4 and the set of sixes for Jason reduced David's stack further. He did make a river call instead of the all-in move the announcers were expecting, so this was NOT the final hand.
Well the players are back on the feed, but the winner is being interviewed out in the hall. So let's see, I can't tell you who won even though I know. This is a strange arrangement.
Jason Warner has just under 3M
David Zeitlin is just over 1M
Jason moves in with 5-5 and is snap-called by David Zeitlin with 7-7.
The board comes blank, blank, blank, blank and one more blank will mean a bracelet for David Zeitlin BUT the river is a five!