Blackjack Cheat Sheet: Free Printable PDF Chart

Sam Coyle
Senior iGaming & CRO Manager
Giovanni Angioni
8 min read
Download our Free Blackjack Cheat Sheet

  • It can take years to master the game of blackjack and become a winning player.
  • But you can learn the basics of the game with our free blackjack cheat sheet.
  • Download, print, and use it when you play on the best blackjack sites so you can get better chances to win

Blackjack is an easy game to pick up, but it can also take years to learn blackjack strategy, especially if you want to play well and build up your winnings.

To be good at blackjack you need to know the right basic blackjack strategy, learn how to play every possible combination of cards, and have a super-sharp memory.

Unless you use a Blackjack Strategy Chart or Cheat Card like the one we're giving away here. You'll find many basic strategy charts online - but of course, we think ours is the best:

Blackjack Cheat Sheet

This Blackjack Cheat Sheet covers the fundamental strategies for blackjack. Practice these guidelines, and you’ll improve your game and enjoy better odds against the dealer.

Blackjack Cheat Sheet
Blackjack Cheat Sheet

Download our FREE Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart

Of course, you also need to be lucky too...

The players who have the best chance of winning at blackjack know exactly what hand to play and when they are supposed to Hit or Stand.

As well as learning blackjack strategy, using a blackjack cheat sheet or basic strategy chart can make it easier to know the odds of playing specific hands, and the payout you can expect for each.

How to Use The Blackjack Cheat Sheet

Let's outline how our free Blackjack Cheat Sheet works and how you can use it next time you're playing blackjack online.

With our Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart you will:

  • Always know how to play a hand
  • Get the best winning odds
  • Reach optimal play

It's often said that in gambling, the house always wins. Unfortunately, that's true - but there are ways to mitigate a casino's house edge, and increase your chances if you know how to play the house effectively. Blackjack card counting is one of these ways.

Nobody expects a beginner to win, and you must use this lack of expectations to your advantage and give yourself the best possible chance.

Our Blackjack Cheat Sheet card helps you play the game like blackjack players who have been playing the game for years and get more chances.

Just so you know...

Our Blackjack Cheats Sheet works across many versions of classic Blackjack, but it may not apply to modern variations of the game.

Although we call this a 'Cheat Sheet', is it really cheating? No, of course not.

As most players know, cheating at the casino is both stupid and not allowed. Of course, it is permitted to counts cards, and to use these types of blackjack cheat sheets.

Instead, what you have here is a blackjack strategy chart that helps you to play better. Similar to playing a video game with a guide, or going on a guided tour when you go on vacation.

That's not cheating - that's just sensible precautions. Sure, you think, but isn't blackjack a game, and wouldn't a winning strategy be against the spirit of that game? We'd suggest adjusting this mindset when it comes to playing blackjack online.

How a Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart Works

First, though, let's take you through some basic terminology used in basic blackjack strategy, so you know what these words and phrases on our Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart mean.

Soft hand: This is when there is an ace in your hand, meaning there is no chance of you busting after the draw. The ace can be 1 or 11, but your hand must not total more than 21. Here are those soft combinations:

  • A2 - 13 (13 or 3)
  • A3 - 14 (14 or 4)
  • A4 - 15 (15 or 5)
  • A5 - 16 (16 or 6)
  • A6 - 17 (17 or 7)
  • A7 - 18 (18 or 8)
  • A8 - 19 (19 or 9) - almost always stand
  • A9 - 20 (20 or 10) - always stand!
  • An ace with 10 or a face card is an unbeatable blackjack.

Hard hand: The combined total of any two cards not containing an ace. Here are the possible hard hands:

  • 9-7 (hard 16)
  • 8-6 (hard 14)
  • 10-7 (hard 17)

It's riskier to draw with a hard hand, as there is more chance of busting.

But what about 'Hit', 'Stand', and 'Double Down'?

Hit: drawing another card.
Stand: when your hand is good enough.
Double down: this is when you, or another player, increase the wager.

Knowing these terms when using our Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart alone won't make you a winner. However, it will help you to easily learn and understand the basics, and show you how to play a hand well. It tells you when to take a positive risk and when to hold back.

Need a refresher of basic blackjack rules? Watch our Blackjack Video Guide below:

Never-Ending Blackjack Action Online!
Never-Ending Blackjack Action Online!

Practice free blackjack, and then play exciting games with the best live dealers* in the world.

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Can You Use the Blackjack Chart Cheat Sheet at the Blackjack Table?

You can keep the easy Blackjack Cheat Sheet chart open in your browser while a game of online blackjack is running.

Use it as a reference to understand what decisions you are supposed to make, and decide on a strategy when you play a hand of blackjack.

After a while, once you get good enough to play on your own, you won't need it anymore. Until that happens, use it while you play. It'll help you learn to make the calls and make the right moves.

Play Blackjack Online!
Play Blackjack Online!

Practice free blackjack against the casino and then sit to play exciting games with the best live dealers* in the world.

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Download our FREE Blackjack Cheat Sheet Chart

The No-Cheat Sheet Chart Approach to Beating Blackjack

Of course, there may be players who wish to find their own way when beginning to play blackjack. This is entirely understandable and to be respected.

So here's a list of good resources you should read before you download our FREE Blackjack Cheat Sheet Card.

Best Casinos to Play Real Money Online Blackjack

So you've downloaded the cheat sheet, read our strategy guides and you're ready to embark on your online blackjack journey... take a look at the list below to find our recommended real money casinos for playing online blackjack:

Note, if you're not based in a location that allows real money gambling, see our guide on playing blackjack for free at a social casino.

Blackjack Cheat Sheet FAQs

What is a blackjack cheat sheet?

A blackjack cheat sheet is a reference card that tells you how to play every possible hand in blackjack. It is based on mathematical calculations and simulations, and it is designed to give you the best possible chance of winning.

How do I use a blackjack cheat sheet?

To use our blackjack cheat sheet, have the chart open when playing - specifically when you are making a decision about how to play your hand. The chart will tell you whether to hit, stand, double down, or split, depending on your hand and the dealer's up card.

Is it cheating to use a blackjack cheat sheet?

No, using a blackjack cheat sheet is not cheating. It's just a tool that helps you to play the game in a more efficient way. Blackjack casinos are aware of blackjack cheat sheets, and they are allowed.

What are the benefits of using a blackjack cheat sheet?

As we've outlined above, there are a few benefit to using a blackjack cheat sheet, including:

  • It can help you to make better decisions about how to play your hands, which can lead to more wins.
  • It can help you to reduce your house edge, which can improve your chances of winning in the long run.
  • It can help you to become more consistent in your play, which can make you a more profitable blackjack player.
What are the drawbacks of using a blackjack cheat sheet?

There are a few potential drawbacks to be aware of when using a blackjack cheat sheet:

  • It can be difficult to remember the information on the cheat sheet, especially if you are new to blackjack.
  • It can be time-consuming to consult the cheat sheet every time you need to make a decision.
  • Even though it's not considering cheating, some casinos may not allow players to use blackjack cheat sheets. Of course this doesn't apply when playing online.

This article was first published in June 2023. Last updated: October 26th, 2023.

Sam Coyle
Senior iGaming & CRO Manager
Giovanni Angioni
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